daniel1981 LV4
发表于 19-7-2009 01:25:28
Kindly take note of the preparation of the following documents and information now and provide them at the Employment Agreement session.
For completion of the employment formalities, submit the following documents below:
1. Updated Resume (recent photograph required)
2. Copy of NRIC (front and back)
3. Copy of Passport (page with photograph and personal information)
4. Copy of relevant education certificate(s)
5. Copy of Reference Letter(s) from past employer(s)
6. Copy of Certificate of Service (for ex-uniformed personnel)
7. Copy of your Bank Passbook or Bank Statement
Prepare to provide information for the following items:-
8. Three Character References (Name, Company Name, Position, Contact no. and Address)
9. Past and Current Employer’s information (Employment Period, Name of Company, Position, Salary, Reason for leaving, Company Address, Contact No.)
10. Residential Address for the Past Ten years
11. Bank Account Information (Bank Name, Branch Location Name, Account No., Bank Account Type)
Branch Location Name,存折没写我开户那个支行location啊!
还有前面第1到7 要 复印件 ,第8点到 11点 是要准备,没有说要文件呢,那应该怎样呢?
最后有个问题想问 ,新公司可以查到你之前的 cpf记录嘛 ?因为我新工作只做了 一个月,我不想写进去,免得麻烦,但是又开始买了 cpf,所以担心他们查出来说我填东西不完整。何况,离10月培训还有两个月 ,我还是想先做着现在工作,至少解决温饱问题嘛!不写应该问题不大吧 ?
希望大家都可以顺顺利利!有消息再互通一下 ! |