回答|共 93 个

jyfc1929 LV7

发表于 28-2-2010 22:28:55 | 显示全部楼层


jyfc1929 LV7

发表于 28-2-2010 22:31:04 | 显示全部楼层


jyfc1929 LV7

发表于 28-2-2010 22:31:48 | 显示全部楼层


jyfc1929 LV7

发表于 28-2-2010 22:32:15 | 显示全部楼层


JackieHu LV10

发表于 1-3-2010 22:08:06 | 显示全部楼层

回复 32# jyfc1929

No,  i asked my money back directly after wasted me for 3 hours and caused me cancel my trip. So, I f*** him in front of his daughter. Coz he cannot show a good role model to his daughter.

爱上黑色 LV7

发表于 3-3-2010 17:42:36 | 显示全部楼层

这人还屡试不爽哦。。。我帮朋友发帖子 刚才他跟我说他看了这个车 也是个男人带个孩子 来帖子里看 车牌都一样。。。

怎么一次次的 他骗人骗得这么HAPPY哦。。。。

jyfc1929 LV7

发表于 3-3-2010 21:28:19 | 显示全部楼层

回复 46# 爱上黑色

是啊, 太丢中国人的脸了, 他孩子倒很天真,别跟着他学坏了!大家千万别再上当了, 我看他也是个游手好闲的人, 整天就在家看孩子然后拿这辆车骗钱, 我可怜他孩子, 也懒得费神去要回那百来块钱了, 警察都叫来了他还不知廉耻地耍赖!

jyfc1929 LV7

发表于 3-3-2010 21:31:32 | 显示全部楼层

回复 45# JackieHu

how could you ask your money back? i called police to come but still could not get my money back, he just kept telling his daughter was very sleepy and other shit. so finally we let him go home. i kept calling him in following week but he didnt pick up my call, finally picked up one time and told me he hadnt got time to send the car for maintenance. Fxxk!

jyfc1929 LV7

发表于 3-3-2010 21:40:58 | 显示全部楼层


jyfc1929 LV7

发表于 3-3-2010 21:42:01 | 显示全部楼层

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