
2010-08-20 · 3300 阅读

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无缘走近u LV16

发表于 20-8-2010 22:53:30 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 20-8-2010 23:04:45 | 显示全部楼层


gydlsgp LV5

发表于 20-8-2010 23:21:42 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 21-8-2010 10:07:39 | 显示全部楼层

去网站看了看,越看越晕,貌似may band的比较低


发表于 21-8-2010 20:54:55 | 显示全部楼层

今天中介介绍的财务顾问推荐OCBC的配套,不绑定,三个月浮动 1+SOR,包律师费,不知坛子里有人用这种吗?

无缘走近u LV16

发表于 21-8-2010 21:19:52 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 22-8-2010 13:30:10 | 显示全部楼层


Fixed Rates

1 year lock in

Y1:  1.60% (F)
Y2:  1.80% (V)
Y3:  2.65% (V)
Y4:  3.75% (V)

2 years lock in

Y1: 1.88% (F)
Y2: 1.88% (F)
Y3: 3.75% (V)
Y4: 3.75% (V)

Variable Rates

1 Year Lock in

Y1:  1.50%
Y2:  1.88%
Y3:  2.88%
Y4:  3.75%

2 Years Lock in

Y1:  1.28%
Y2:  1.68%
Y3:  2.68%
Y4:  3.75%

Variable rates are dependent on the current market condition as well as bank's discretion. In terms of volatility, it will not be as volatile as SOR rates. Currently the board rate is 4.5%. Hence how, for instance, 1 year lock in Y1: 1.50% is derived is based on 4.5% (board rate) - 3% (fixed factor) = 1.50%. 4.5% would be a floating rate in which its changes is dependable on market condition as well as bank's discretion of changes.

SOR rate

No lock in

Y1: SOR + 1.00%
Y2: SOR + 1.00%
Y3: SOR + 1.25%
Y4: SOR + 1.25%

2 years lock in

Y1: SOR + 0.75%
Y2: SOR + 1.00%
Y3: SOR + 1.25%
Y4: SOR + 1.50%

SOR is a transparent rate that is dependable on the US as well as local market condition. Dated as of last Friday  (20th Aug), SOR rate is 0.31%. Comparatively with SIBOR that is 0.55%, SOR rate is lower. This trend has been consistent for the past 1 odd years in which SOR is lower than SIBOR. SOR is fixed every 3 monts. Hence there is still certain level of stability despite the change in rates. As SOR rate is very much dependable on the US and local market in which we know that the US market is lying low for quite a while, SOR is more attractive that SIBOR in comparison.


发表于 23-8-2010 14:25:54 | 显示全部楼层



Year 1        1.28% (fixed)
Year 2        1.68% (fixed)
Year 3        2.88% (Mortgage Rate - 1.62%)
Thereafter        3.75% (Mortgage Rate - 0.75%)
Mortage Rate at 4.5%
Partial Prepayment Penalty        1.5% on prepaid amount within lock in period from 1st loan disbursement
Full Redemption Penalty        1.5% on prepaid amount within lock in period from 1st loan disbursement
Cancellation Fee        1.5% on amount cancelled
Minimum Loan         $100,000

1M SOR no lock in - (Completed properties with 1 year constant monthly installment)
Year 1        1M SOR + 0.99%
Year 2        1M SOR + 0.99%
Year 3        1M SOR + 0.99%
Thereafter        1M SOR + 1.25%
Partial Prepayment Penalty        1.5% penalty on prepaid amount if it is redeemed within the contracted period. IF partial prepayment is made on the expiry date of the contracted Interest Rate Period, there will be no penalty.
Full Redemption Penalty        1.5% penalty on prepaid amount if it is redeemed within the contracted period. IF partial prepayment is made on the expiry date of the contracted Interest Rate Period, there will be no penalty.
Cancellation Fee        1.5% on amount cancelled
Minimum Loan         $100,000


发表于 23-8-2010 14:29:22 | 显示全部楼层


Fixed Rate Packages:-
2 years fixed rate (2 years lock in) for loan above $350,000 and completed properties only.
Year 1 : 1.80% (fixed)
Year 2 : 1.80% (fixed)
Thereafter : 3 months SIBOR + 1.25%
Existing premier customer (within min TRB of $25,000) get additional 0.05% off the first 2 years fixed rates.

For fixed rate package, any partial or full repayment will attract penalty of 1.5% of amount pre-paid.

3 months SIBOR (no lock in) for loan above $300,000 and completed properties only.

Year 1 : 3 months SIBOR + 0.9%
Year 2 : 3 month SIBOR + 0.8%
Thereafter : 3 months SIBOR + 0.75%

Premier customer get 0.05% off the entire loan tenor.

Sibor refers to Singapore Interbank Offer rate for SGD published in Business Times on the first business day of the month.
3 months SIBOR as at 2 Aug 2010 is 0.55361%

Other benefits includes:-
1. Free valuation
2. Legal subsidy of 0.5% upto $2,500( For premier customer with loan amount above $1M, legal subsidy is $3,000)
3. Free fire insurance for 1 year
4. 24 hours emergency home assistance
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