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安妮89 LV7

发表于 16-11-2011 14:23:51 | 显示全部楼层

空谷残声 发表于 16-11-2011 11:03
已经服完了啊,那再问点小问题,我英语有点烂要不要紧,读过国内二本学校毕业才来当兵的, ...


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空谷残声 LV4

发表于 16-11-2011 16:22:36 | 显示全部楼层

安妮89 发表于 16-11-2011 14:23


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空谷残声 LV4

发表于 16-11-2011 16:28:00 | 显示全部楼层

飞不了的猪 发表于 16-11-2011 14:49
英语烂 没问题 我一样烂 记住
你是为新加坡国家做贡献 里面的教官会体谅你

= =一定要黑的啊,我以为颜色深点就行了,我那个是深蓝色到有点黑的,主要是材质不太放心,看来得去配个新的了。


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空谷残声 LV4

发表于 16-11-2011 16:30:24 | 显示全部楼层

飞不了的猪 发表于 16-11-2011 14:54
你的教官会偷你的枪 管他什么理由
你枪丢了 严重要坐牢
当然训练期间 被偷了 每个周末 你会被留在兵营里  ...

啊……现在还会有新兵挂掉啊= =

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空谷残声 LV4

发表于 16-11-2011 16:32:00 | 显示全部楼层

飞不了的猪 发表于 16-11-2011 14:58
当兵的时候  放开些 不要像阿瓜样


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taylorMaking LV5

发表于 16-11-2011 17:49:07 | 显示全部楼层

空谷残声 发表于 16-11-2011 11:06


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小王八的马甲 LV11

发表于 16-11-2011 18:06:27 | 显示全部楼层


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monkey.k LV5

发表于 16-11-2011 20:40:41 | 显示全部楼层

Sedi-A - Stand at Attention. Elbows locked, eyes stare forward, chin up. No movement.Ke-kanan lu-rus- Face to the right, straighten the dressingSenang di-RI - Stand at Ease. Legs placed shoulder width apart, hands behind backs, right hand over left hand, fingers straightened. Eyes still forward, looking up, no talking.Rehatkan Di-ri - Stand EasyBegerak Ke-kanan/kiri, bertiga-tiga, Ke-kanan/kiri, Pu-sing - Move to your right/left, three by three, right/left turn. "Kiri" and "Kanan" stand for left and right respectively. They are interchangeable in commands. "Bertiga-tiga" is also given in context, depending on how many rows deep the formation is. Three by three stands for the standard formation depth of three rows. "Dalam dua/empat barisan" would be used for two and four rows respectively.Keblakang pu-sing- about turn at 180 degreesDiam - To freeze at wherever you are and stop talking.Ma-JU - ForwardDari kiri/kanan, perlahan ja-lan - by the left/right, slow marchDari kiri/kanan, cepat ja-lan- by the left/right, quick marchDari tengah, perlahan/cepat Ja-lan - by the center, slow/quick marchBerhen-TI- haltHentak kaki, cepat hen-TAK- Quick Mark timeHentak kaki, perlahan hen-TAK - slow mark timeHormat senja-TA- Present, Arms. Salutes are given to:The President of Singapore - Hormat PresidenThe Prime Minister of Singapore - Hormat Perdana MenteriCabinet Ministers - Hormat Menterivisiting dignitariesMilitary Colours of the SAF/SPF/SCDF - Hormat Kepada Panji Panjiunit commanders - Hormat Panglima All those commands for salutes are shouted before giving the command to present arms.
  • Sendang, senja-TA - Slope Arms
  • Rusok, senja-TA - Shoulder Arms
  • Turun, senja-TA - Order Arms
  • Tatang, senja-Ta - Port Arms
  • Julang, senja-Ta - High Port Arms
  • Kiri/Kanan be-LOK- Left/Right Wheel.
  • Dari Kanan/Kiri/Belakang, BILANG - number off from the right/left/rear.
  • Ke-kiri/kanan, pu-SING- Left/Right Turn.
  • Pandang kekiri/kekanan pan-DANG - Eyes Left/Right
- "Hormat ke hadapan, hor-MAT!" - Saluting to the front at a halt. This is then followed by a subsequent about turn. -
  • Skuad, Keluar-BARIS- Squad, fall out
  • Bersurai - Dismiss

As for sizing these are the commands that need to be executed (these are in fact nearly identical to the British 'form up' commands);
  • Yang Tinggi Ke Kanan, Rendah ke Kiri, Dalam Satu Barisan Paras - Fall out. Then arrange yourselves from right to left, from the tallest to shortest.
  • Dari Kanan, Angkat satu Dan Dua Bilang - from the right, shout 1 and 2.
  • Nombor Ganjil Satu Langkah Kehadapan, Nombor Genap Satu Langkah Ke Belakang, Gerak- Odd number move 1 step forward, even numbers move 1 step backward, march.
  • Orang di Sebelah Kanan Diam. Nombor Ganjil Bergerak Ke Kanan, Nombor Genap Bergerak Ke Kiri. Barisan, Ke Kanan Dan Ke Kiri Pu-SING - The right person stay put. Odd number turn to their right while even numbers turn to their left.
  • Jadikan Tiga Barisan, cepat jalan - March to for 3 rows.

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安妮89 LV7

发表于 16-11-2011 20:52:34 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 安妮89 于 16-11-2011 20:57 编辑

兵营就在我家旁边, 有时一大早就被吵醒, 还用扬声器, 以为阿兵哥龙的.

尤其是有阿兵哥生日, 夜间就像八哥回窝.

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空谷残声 LV4

发表于 16-11-2011 20:57:31 | 显示全部楼层

monkey.k 发表于 16-11-2011 20:40
Sedi-A - Stand at Attention. Elbows locked, eyes stare forward, chin up. No movement.Ke-kanan lu-rus ...


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