
LYNN-2006 LV8
2012-09-18 · 5230 阅读

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穿越三国 LV6

发表于 18-9-2012 11:42:22 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层


vivocity2010 LV5

发表于 18-9-2012 12:33:41 | 显示全部楼层


fsonic LV0

发表于 18-9-2012 12:40:25 | 显示全部楼层

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LYNN-2006 LV8

发表于 18-9-2012 17:38:58 | 显示全部楼层

fsonic 发表于 18-9-2012 12:40
请问,你怎么申请在国内常住。 可以生小孩。
你应该联系新加坡使馆,申请小孩公民权,才能申请护照。 因为小 ...


fsonic LV0

发表于 18-9-2012 18:27:10 | 显示全部楼层

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fsonic LV0

发表于 18-9-2012 18:36:33 | 显示全部楼层

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goldenyan LV7

发表于 18-9-2012 18:48:36 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

請問樓主是第一代新加坡公民嗎?如果是,你們就是citizen by registration. 小孩在哪里出生都會自動成為新加坡公民。但是具體手續怎麼辦,讓小弟給你找找

来自: 新加坡狮城论坛 iPhone客户端

goldenyan LV7

发表于 18-9-2012 18:58:30 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 goldenyan 于 18-9-2012 20:08 编辑

樓主是citizen by registration的話,小孩就是citizen by descent. 新加坡駐中國大使館寫得很清楚。

Registration of Citizenship by Descent

The Embassy will assist you to forward your application for the Registration of Citizenship by Descent to the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), which is the processing authority.

Alternatively, you can apply for citizenship for your child online through an e-applicationElectronic Singapore Citizenship Application (e-SC) available at ICA website (http://www.ica.gov.sg). Please note that this on-line facility can only be used if your child’s age is 1 year old and below during time of application.

An overseas-born minor (child) may be eligible for Citizenship by Descent, if any of the following conditions can be met:

  • The father is a Singapore citizen by Birth who has a lawful marriage at time of child’s birth;
  • The father is a Singapore citizen by Registration who has a lawful marriage at time of child’s birth and child shall not acquire citizenship of the country he was born by reason of his birth in that country;
  • The mother is a Singapore citizen by Birth and the child born on or after 15 May 2004;
  • The mother is a Singapore citizen by Registration and the child born on or after 15 May 2004. The child shall not acquire citizenship of the country he was born by reason of his birth in that country;
  • The father (who has a lawful marriage at time of child’s birth) or mother, is a Singapore citizen by Descent has to complete an additional Annex form to the application declaring their residence period in Singapore. The application can only be accepted if the applicant fulfils the requirements stipulated in the Annex.
Note: The application has to be submitted within one year of the child’s birth. Otherwise, a letter of explanation is required for late submission.

Application Procedure

The following documents (original and photocopy) should be submitted:

  • Child’s birth certificate and passport/travel document;
  • Parents’ identity cards;
  • Parents’ birth certificates;
  • Parents’ passports;
  • Parents’ marriage certificate. If the marriage was registered outside Singapore, the child’s father is required to make a Statutory Declaration stating that (name of wife) is his one and only wife if he is the applicant for child’s citizenship;
  • Parents’ divorce certificate/separation deed/custody document of child or children by previous spouses (if applicable) and spouse’s death certificate (if applicable). Letter of consent from ex-spouse if child is under joint-custody;
The following additional documents (original and photocopy) are required to be submitted if application is submitted after one year of minor’s birth:

  • Parents’ letter of employment from current employer stating date of employment, position held and monthly basic/gross salary (including latest payslip), if employed;
  • Parents’ income tax Notice of Assessment for the last 3 years (preceding date of application);
  • Parents’ business registration certificate from Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), latest balance sheet/profit and loss account (if applicant is a sole proprietor/partner or director of a company);
  • CPF contributions history for the last 12 months, if employed.

S$100 (RMB 508) (processing fee) (non-refundable)

S$70 (RMB 356) (issuance of the citizenship certificate)

S$5 (RMB 26) (making a Statutory Declaration) (if required)
For S$ payment, please issue a Singapore cheque that is made payable to Commissioner, Immigration & Checkpoints Authority.

Processing Time

2 to 6 months (apply via counter at Embassy)

LYNN-2006 LV8

发表于 27-9-2012 04:23:25 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

goldenyan 发表于 18-9-2012 18:48
請問樓主是第一代新加坡公民嗎?如果是,你們就是citizen by registration. 小孩在哪里出生都會自動成為新 ...

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