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MathleteTC LV7

发表于 24-7-2013 18:15:43 | 显示全部楼层


MathleteTC LV7

发表于 24-7-2013 18:26:05 | 显示全部楼层

A top award in SMOPS can help the student get into top secondary schools via DSA. Similarly, A top award in SMO can help the student get into top JCs via DSA.

Besides that, benefits of maths Olympiad are wide ranging. Some major benefits include developing the habit of independent thinking and being unfazed and persevering in the face of difficulty. The particular skill sets trained are observation, experimentation, comparing, conjecturing, analysing, synthesising, abstract thinking and condensing ideas, which are critical in logical thinking and will become a solid foundation for studying other science or engineering subjects.

MathleteTC LV7

发表于 24-7-2013 18:28:06 | 显示全部楼层


Unlike physics Olympiad which is basically a subset of university physics, maths Olympiad is markedly distinct from university maths. It involves less concepts and more techniques and thus is useful in a more general way, i.e, not only in maths and sciences but also in computer science, engineering, social sciences, financial engineering and economics, you name it. Don’t worry that your kid will study too much maths by studying maths Olympiad. Of course we also have students who became so interested in maths after studying maths Olympiad that they skipped 4 years of school and finished their maths degrees before their NS. Both students were from NUSH.

MathleteTC LV7

发表于 24-7-2013 18:30:35 | 显示全部楼层


Generally speaking most former IMO participants are doing very well in life, whether their careers are maths related or not. Here is a compellation of what became of former IMO participants from australia: amt点edu点au/olympian点html

While no one has done a similar compilation for Singapore’s former IMO participants, from what I know, the percentage of people who goes into research is less than that of Australia, probably because of NS. However, many went on to get a place in top universities with scholarships. During the SIMO camp which is a maths camp for national team and senior team organised by NUS, past IMO participants would come back and share their experience in life, be it NS, university life, or work life. Many of them have became office holder in government organisations, vessel commander in Singapore Navy, veterans in investment banks and lecturer/associate professors in local universities.

MathleteTC LV7

发表于 24-7-2013 18:36:41 | 显示全部楼层


In today’s world, future belongs to countries or organisations that can produce, attract and hold on to the best talents. Steve Jobs has once commented about the few big mistakes he had made. He said that when he was young he thought a top talent can do the work of two, but only later did he realise that a top talent can do the work of fifty.

In this era of knowledge explosion, what is the best way, what are the best tools for talent grooming? The key to success in a knowledge based economy is not the amount of knowledge one knows, but the rate of learning and the capability to produce new and relevant knowledge from old. It is the thinking skill, the clarity, depth and rigor of thought that puts people ahead of their competition.

Maths Olympiad give students a chance to hone their critical thinking skills. It is by far the best way to train such capabilities. Maths Olympiad does not require students to learn any advanced maths concepts or theorems; the problems require only knowledge in elementary maths, yet the challenge level is not compromised. Thus for students who are yet to decide whether to do maths for a living or keep it as a hobby, there is no waste of effort: the versatile skills developed while training for maths Olympiad can be used for preparing physics Olympiad and informatics Olympiad, and is very relevant in university studies, particularly in maths, computer science, engineering and economics.

Through maths Olympiad competitions, talents in maths are spotted at a young age, and through years of training, students become more mature and persevering in their thinking style. Although only a handful will be selected to represent the nation in international competitions, others who have gone through the national team training or school training will find that learning maths Olympiad will give them substantial benefit in various ways.

Doing well in International Olympiads is not only important for the personal glory of the contestants; it also reflects the quality of talent and the quality of education of a country, which might affect the admission decision for top universities and companies.

It is therefore the wish of our centre to provide our students with the best preparation not only to do well in local competitions and selection tests, but also on the international stage. As such, we devise ways to relentlessly unleash the potential of our students.

MathleteTC LV7

发表于 24-7-2013 18:38:41 | 显示全部楼层

对于那些一下子无法看到奥数用处的人,我建议你去youtube看一下乔布斯在斯坦福毕业典礼上演说的connecting the dots部分

leooel LV7

发表于 24-7-2013 19:04:31 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 leooel 于 25-7-2013 11:11 编辑
MathleteTC 发表于 24-7-2013 18:38
对于那些一下子无法看到奥数用处的人,我建议你去youtube看一下乔布斯在斯坦福毕业典礼上演说的connecting  ...


    "A top award in SMOPS can help the student get into top secondary schools via DSA."------这句话挺有用的.  


MathleteTC LV7

发表于 25-7-2013 08:02:11 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 MathleteTC 于 25-7-2013 20:36 编辑

有些人学奥数是为了加强课内,不过这样好心态的终究是少数,大多数还是为了赢得一些申请大学的重量级筹码。结果是,多数学奥数的沦为陪练。但是,新加坡的教练组还经常为talent pool 太小而犯愁,如果孩子显示他对奥数的认真和一定的实力,就会有相应的资源让他一路升上去。近年来,不断有新的海外比赛让孩子参加,如中国数学竞赛,中国西部数学竞赛,中国女子数学竞赛,香港+台湾交流和比赛,上海TI杯,而且每次送几个队,名额和机会非常多。

05年IMO在墨西哥,我们在香港和旧金山转机,在旧金山有在斯坦福读博士的SIMO学长带我们出机场逛街,在某挺像样的古巴餐馆吃晚餐,人均十美元吃得很好大出我们意料。06年IMO,斯洛文尼亚非常好心地多安排了两天节目为照顾晚回国的队伍,安排了去意大利威尼斯玩。回新加坡在法国转机,我们见缝插针地去巴黎市中心逛了一大圈,埃菲尔铁塔,香榭丽舍大道,凯旋门什么的都走了一圈,感觉街边的梧桐树都很新,没有老树。06年我还去了哈萨克斯坦的APHO,在北京转机逛天安门,教授还请我们吃饭,我不客气地点了很多菜。教授出手阔绰,一共才不到12个小时在机场里也就那么过了,他居然在外面小旅馆给我们每两人开一个房间,机场附近的房间也不便宜。。而且来回两次。10年是五十周年,我们近距离接触了很多好的世界一流的数学家,如Terence Tao, 听他们作讲座,与他们合影。11年也很好玩。IMO的接待规格很高,住宿是四五星级酒店或好的大学宿舍。除了两天共九小时的比赛,其他就是玩了。主办方会把国内最好的景点都拿出来,让参赛者和教练玩。就算他们没安排,有自由时间也可以自行安排,新加坡队一个缺点就是经常把导游晾在一边,自行安排自助游,去哪里请队员吃饭换换口味什么的。新加坡队的福利最好了。记得11年我在自由时间把阿姆斯特丹市区兜遍出行都不用地图了,哪里有什么好吃的都了如指掌。可惜不是郁金香季节。闭幕式前几个小时还和雷磊一起参观了梵高美术馆,坐了运河游览船。在梵高美术馆我认识到,天才都是很孤独的,因为很少有人懂他们欣赏他们,所以他们需要懂他们的人对他们进行安抚和支持。




MathleteTC LV7

发表于 25-7-2013 08:07:23 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 MathleteTC 于 25-7-2013 20:37 编辑

对了,我说的Junior team选拔标准可能不准确,因为我已经两年没怎么回国家队看看了。不过 八月份我约了两个教授自荐一些可以帮忙的地方。当然我会避嫌,不参加有关选拔和训练的工作。

vivocity2010 LV5

发表于 25-7-2013 08:47:23 | 显示全部楼层

MathleteTC 发表于 25-7-2013 08:02
有些人学奥数是为了加强课内,不过这样好心态的终究是少数,大多数还是为了赢得一 ...



你说谁呢? 有人会把天才看成疯子  详情 回复 发表于 25-7-2013 09:35
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