sky5107 LV11
发表于 2-5-2015 18:49:00
在上有权柄的,人人当顺服他。因为没有权柄不是出于 神的,凡掌权的都是 神所命的,所以抗拒掌权的,就是抗拒 神的命,抗拒的必自取刑罚。作官的原不是叫行善的惧怕,乃是叫作恶的惧怕。你愿意不惧怕掌权的么?你只要行善,就可得他的称赞.因为他是 神的用人,是与你有益的。你若作恶却当惧怕,因为他不是空空的佩剑,他是 神的用人,是伸冤的,刑罚那作恶的(罗马书13:1-4)
旧约提供了充分证据证明,上帝有时会用战争来成就祂的旨意。祂吩咐以色列人,为了得取应许之地要投入争战,杀死那地极为邪恶的民(申命记20:1 你出去与仇敌争战的时候,看见马匹、车辆、并有比你多的人民不要怕他们,因为领你出埃及地的耶和华你 神与你同在。20:17-18 只要照耶和华你 神所吩咐的,将这赫人、亚摩利人、迦南人、比利洗人、希未人、耶布斯人都灭绝净尽,免得他们教导你们学习一切可憎恶的事,就是他们向自己神所行的,以致你们得罪耶和华你们的 神)。上帝也用战争来审判和刑罚邪恶的国家(耶利米25:12-14七十年满了以后,我必刑罚巴比伦王和那国民、并迦勒底人之地,因他们的罪孽使那地永远荒凉。这是耶和华说的。我也必使我向那地所说的话,就是记在这书上的话,是耶利米向这些国民说的预言都临到那地。因为有多国和大君王,必使迦勒底人作奴仆,我也必照他们的行为、按他们手所作的报应他们),甚至还会用来训诫祂自己的子民(耶利米5:15-175:15 耶和华说:“以色列家阿,我必使一国的民从远方来攻击你,是强盛的国,是从古而有的国。他们的言语你不晓得,他们的话你不明白。他们的箭袋是敞开的坟墓,他们都是勇士。他们必吃尽你的庄稼和你的粮食,是你儿女该吃的,必吃尽你的牛羊、吃尽你的葡萄和无花果,又必用刀毁坏你所倚靠的坚固城)。
亲爱的弟兄姊妹们,当你思考这个难题时,一定要记住,上帝的目的是毁灭邪恶,而不是毁灭人。在末日的最后争战中,主耶稣会战胜罪恶和死亡,战争将止息,公义将统领(启示录19:11-16我观看,见天开了。有一匹白马,骑在马上的称为诚信真实,祂审判争战都按着公义。祂的眼睛如火焰,祂头上戴着许多冠冕,又有写着的名字,除了祂自己没有人知道。祂穿着溅了血的衣服,祂的名称为 神之道。在天上的众军,骑着白马,穿着细麻衣,又白又洁,跟随祂。有利剑从祂口中出来,可以击杀列国。祂必用铁杖辖管他们,并要踹全能 神烈怒的酒醡。在祂衣服和大腿上有名写着说:万王之王、万主之主)。
GOD's Perspective on War
Romans 13:1-4
Submission to Governing Authorities
13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which GOD has established. The authorities that exist have been established by GOD. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what GOD has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is GOD’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are GOD’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
War is a very controversial subject in both the world and the church (the body of CHRIST). Considering the broad spectrum of views and opinions, those who follow CHRIST would do well to search the Scriptures and ask, What does the LORD think about war?
In order to gain a proper understanding, we must first consider the condition of our fallen world. War is a natural consequence of sin. Some conflicts are fuelled by evil intentions and desires, but others are a battle between right and wrong. GOD hates bloodshed, but if evil is not forcefully resisted, the wicked will prevail.
The LORD established government as a means of promoting good and restraining evil. National authority comes directly from HIM. But some rulers abuse this authority and act wickedly, making war unavoidable. When evil men attack, a refusal to fight is an abdication of a government’s responsibility to protect the innocent and avenge wrong.
The Old Testament offers ample evidence that GOD sometimes uses war to achieve HIS purposes. HE commanded the Israelites to fight for possession of the land HE’d promised them and to kill the inhabitants, who were extremely evil (Deut. 20:1 When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your GOD, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you., 17-18 Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the LORD your GOD has commanded you. 18 Otherwise, they will teach you to follow all the detestable things they do in worshiping their gods, and you will sin against the LORD your GOD.). He also used war to judge and punish wicked nations (Jer. 25: 12 “But when the seventy years are fulfilled, I will punish the king of Babylon and his nation, the land of the Babylonians, for their guilt,” declares the LORD, “and will make it desolate forever. 13 I will bring on that land all the things I have spoken against it, all that are written in this book and prophesied by Jeremiah against all the nations. 14 They themselves will be enslaved by many nations and great kings; I will repay them according to their deeds and the work of their hands.”) and even to discipline HIS own people (Jer. 5: 15 People of Israel,” declares the LORD, “I am bringing a distant nation against you—an ancient and enduring nation, a people whose language you do not know, whose speech you do not understand. 16 Their quivers are like an open grave; all of them are mighty warriors. 17 They will devour your harvests and food, devour your sons and daughters; they will devour your flocks and herds, devour your vines and fig trees. With the sword they will destroy the fortified cities in which you trust.).
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you think about this difficult subject, remember that GOD’s goal is the destruction of wickedness, not people. In the final battle, JESUS will defeat sin and death, wars will cease, and righteousness will reign - Rev. 19: 11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 HIS eyes are like blazing fire, and on HIS head are many crowns. HE has a name written on HIM that no one knows but HE himself. 13 HE is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and HIS name is the WORD of GOD. 14 The armies of heaven were following HIM, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Coming out of HIS mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “HE will rule them with an iron scepter.” HE treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of GOD ALMIGHTY. 16 On HIS robe and on HIS thigh HE has this name written: king of kings and lord of lords.
Until that day, we are left on earth to do our part in overcoming evil.