
xiaosawjp LV15
2015-09-04 · 1647 阅读
本帖最后由 xiaosawjp 于 4-9-2015 15:30 编辑



刺参Japonicus 是海参的一种。是中国20多种食用海参中质量最好的一种。刺参作为一种珍贵的海味被列为“八珍”之一。在海参家族中,品质比较好的是山东半岛和辽东半岛的刺参。据《本草纲目拾遗》中记载,“辽东产之海参,体色黑褐,肉嫩多刺,称之辽参或海参,品质极佳,且药性甘温无毒,具有补肾阴,生脉血,治下痢及溃疡等功效”。因其药性温补,足敌人参,故名海参。

刺参适用食疗人群 Japonicus applicable therapeutic crowd

1、糖尿病、贫血等慢性消耗性疾病。Diabetes, anemia and other chronic wasting disease
2、肿瘤放、化疗患者的康复期保健。Radiotherapy and chemotherapy in patients with convalescent care
3、动脉硬化、高血压、高血脂等心脑血管疾病患者。Arteriosclerosis, hypertension, high cholesterol and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease patients.
4、免疫力低下、体虚、畏寒、多汗、经常感冒者。Immunocompromised, weakness, chills, sweating, frequent colds.
5、气管炎、关 节炎、类风湿、骨质疏松等。Bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and so on.
6、脑力劳动者及重体力劳动者如运动员。Mental and heavy manual workers such as athlete

1.健脑益智 Robust brain

Sea cucumber is a valuable tonic, Chinese medicine called "puzzle food," why can eat sea cucumber cleverness? Research shows that people can get an important nutrient -DHA from the reference body after eating sea cucumber, namely docosahexaenoic acid. It is a brain nutrient indispensable highly unsaturated fatty acids. DHA on brain cells, especially nerve conduction and synaptic growth and development has a very important role.

2.糖尿病滋补 Diabetes tonic

In addition to diabetes with medical treatment, dietary nourishing therapy is essential. Sea cucumber contains trace metals, acid mucopolysaccharides and sea cucumber saponins has the effect of activating B islet cell activity and stabilize high blood sugar levels, diabetes is the ideal food nutrition diet therapy. Stichopus contains dozens of nutrients, and the content of reasonably uniform, and its amino acid composition close to the ideal model, diabetic patients taking the diet can effectively complement the intake of vitamins and trace elements can not mediate patient sugar, fat, protein, water, electric horny metabolic disorders, effective prevention of vascular lesions and other complications of diabetes.
3.免疫球蛋白 Immunoglobulin
Sea cucumber is rich in functional peptide, 18 amino acids and vitamins and trace elements needed by the body. Wherein the low molecular weight peptides are molecules more easily absorbed by the body than amino acids. Low molecular weight peptides may be directly digested by stomach intestinal absorption, and peptide further with enhanced immunity, slow aging, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, anti-fatigue and other effects; rich in niacin coenzyme, and coenzyme II, a main component. You can regulate the nervous system, involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in the human body

4.抗癌灵丹 Anticancer panacea
Holothurin a strong cytotoxic and fish poisoning, cancer cells can inhibit p388 ED50-29, inhibition of KB cells, inhibition of protein, ribosomal nucleotide synthesis, have to improve the human immune system and cancer bactericidal effect, strong corrosion capacity. Sea cucumber contained acid mucopolysaccharide component, experiments show that this ingredient has anti-tumor metastasis and inhibit tumor growth. Sea cucumber contained selenium, can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and blood vessels, has anti-cancer effects. Meanwhile, selenium can result in a reduction of peroxides such as superoxide radicals, which can slow the body's aging
5.心脑病人 Heart encephalopathy people
Japonicus acidic mucopolysaccharide anticoagulant, can reduce blood lipids and reduce blood viscosity and plasma viscosity, cerebral thrombosis, myocardial infarction and ischemic heart disease affecting the recovery of a significant dependence, have lower blood pressure, blood fat , anti-oxidation, anti-aging, improve the body's immunity. Recovery of old myocardial infarction and cerebral improved, with clear blood, prevention of hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases role.

6.进补佳品 Need for nourishing the body
The main way to prevent and control diseases of old age is to eat high-protein, rich in nutrients, low in cholesterol and low-fat, nutritious food to adjust the controls easy to absorb. Sea cucumber does not contain cholesterol. Sea cucumber contains a lot of low molecular weight peptides spiked participate in a variety of retention of nutrients in the human intestine, it can easily be absorbed by the body and has to improve human immunity, anti-aging, anti-cancer, lowering blood pressure, blood and so on. Peptides containing glutathione sea cucumber is the longevity factor, anti-factor; chondroitin sulfate can slow down cell aging, all this can promote the body's metabolism, serve to prevent aging and prolong life role.

The best sea cucumber in China from latitude 39 degrees Zhangzidao wild sea cucumber, here far from land, sea clean pollution-free, long-term growth of sea cucumber, sea cucumber So by the middle of wild meat chewy, wall thickness, the highest nutritional value, is sea cucumber in the best kind of quality, but production is quite limited.
刺参加工 Sea cucumber processing
刺参产品主要分为淡干刺参、盐干刺参、糖干刺参、冻干刺参、即食刺参、刺参深加工产品。刺参体壁厚而软糯,是海参中质量最好的一种,被誉为“参中之冠”。Products are divided into short dry sea cucumber sea cucumber, dried sea cucumber salt, sugar, dried sea cucumber, freeze-dried sea cucumber, instant sea cucumber, sea cucumber deep-processed products. Ruannuo sea cucumber body wall thickness, is the best kind of quality sea cucumber, known as the "Participation in the crown."
淡干刺参Short dry sea cucumber
淡干刺参是通过对新鲜刺参进行去内脏、清洗、沸煮、缩水、低温冷风干燥加工而成的刺参产品。淡干刺参是刺参中品质相对非常好的,无糖无水易于保存。Short dry sea cucumber is carried by the fresh sea cucumber gutted, cleaned, boiled, shrink, low temperature cold air drying process from the sea cucumber products. Short dry sea cucumber is in relatively very good quality of sea cucumber, sugar-free anhydrous easy to store.
盐干刺参Dry salt sea cucumber
盐干刺参的加工工艺的历史是非常悠久的,活刺参捕捞上来以来要先行煮沸,将煮过的刺参凉透后,加盐拌匀盛入大瓷缸,缸口用一层厚盐封严,腌渍15天以后出缸。腌渍过程要隔几天检查一次,将腌渍参的原汤加入一定量的盐放入锅中烧开,再将参下锅煮30-50分钟并随时翻动,将参捞出时表面立即显干。Processing of dry salt sea cucumber history is very long, live sea cucumber fishing since up to first boil, boiled sea cucumber to cool thoroughly, mix well and pour into a large salt Cigang, brim with a thick seal salt, pickled 15 days after the tank. Pickled process to check once every few days, the pickled ginseng soup by adding a certain amount of salt into the pot boil, and then the Senate 30-50 minutes under the pot and to keep turning, the surface was dry when the Senate immediately remove。
糖干刺参 Sugar dry sea cucumber
在刺参的加工过程中,在刺参表面包裹了大量的糖分的,在刺参晾干后刺参的颜色是更黑一点的,使其外观非常好看,但是由于加糖的原因,刺参遇热容易变软,而在加工时,加糖对刺参营养破坏的非常严重的。而且涨发率是非常低的In the process of sea cucumber, sea cucumber face wrapped in a lot of sugar, dried sea cucumber sea cucumber after a little more color is black, it looks very nice, but because of sugar, sea cucumber case heat tends to be soft, and in the processing of sea cucumber nutrition sugar damage is very serious. And rising incidence is very low


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xiaosawjp LV15

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xiaosawjp LV15

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xiaosawjp LV15

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