Part Time Banquet Service Crew Wanted
Part Time Banquet Service Crew wanted!
Looking for Singapore Citizen, PR or Government School Students who are between 16 to 25 years old, regardless of gender.
1. High payment of $9 and above per hr.
2. Comission for bringing your friends to join us to work.
3. Once a week fast payout.
4. Flexible timing to choose ur shifts base on the schedule
5. Free working meal and night shift transport provided
6. No order taking.
7. Simple working environment where you can make friends with people who are same age with you.
Interested please scan the QR code below or Whatsapp to ask for more info.
闲暇之余轻松赚点零花钱!高薪招聘酒店兼职 新加坡人 pr(永久居民)政府学校的学生 16-25岁 帅哥美女都欢迎哦~ 待遇好 薪水高
1. 高薪一小时$9或更高
2. 带上你的小伙伴还有提成哦
3. 每个星期按时发薪水
4. 时间随和 根据你方便的时间排班工作
5. 工作环境好,免费提供餐饮 晚班提供车送回家
6. 工作轻松 无需点餐等繁琐工作
7. 工作之余,结识更多同龄的小伙伴大家一起浪起来~
感兴趣的盆友们动起手来扫描下方二维码或联络 了解更多详情