本帖最后由 xijy31 于 9-10-2019 21:39 编辑
在PSLE中 Synthesis & Transformation是Paper 2中的一大部分,总共5题(66-70),总分10分。历来判分非常严格,有两种说法 (1)点滴错误都2分全失。事实上各个学校为了在平时提高要求,都是这样操作的。(2)听到过一种说法,在PSLE中如果是标点等小错误,是会有1分的扣分方式的。不过,为了尽可能抓住我们能抓住的分,这部分都是希望得满分的。 在S&T的题型中,有部分句子的合并很有争议,不知道家长们是否会遇到这种情况。孩子的答题和标准答案不同,但我们又觉得未尝不可。在询问不同的老师时,却得到了不同的结果。最后是两难之下依旧不知道对错与否。妞妈比较较真,很想要探个究竟,于是,对于某些题,汇总了所有的不同答案,“逼迫”一下娃娃的英文老师——一位很优秀的印度女老师。得到了至少让我很满意的答案。PSLE过去半年有余,突然想着把这些资料分享给大家,也许有人也有同样的疑惑,可以不必大费周章困惑于此类题中。独乐乐怎如众乐乐呢  
Eg.1 The player had an inyury. He had to leave the field. (This is a question in Rosyth 2015 SA1) I applied 5 different answers
Due to the fact that the player had an injury, he had to leave the field. Due to the fact that he had an injury, the player had to leave the field. Due to an injury, the player had to leave the field. Due to the player's injury, he had to leave the field. Due to his injury, the player had to leave the field.
答案来自于很多孩子的解答,我想看到这些答案集中起来的“逼供”,老师肯定是恨死我 了  
不过老师很敬业,给出了很清晰的解答如下: - In the above question, answer No 1 is the best as it does not cause any confusion as to who got injured and who left the field. The player had an injury and therefore he had to leave the field.
In answer 2, the answer is acceptable. However, it can also be interpreted as another player had an injury and therefore the player had to leave the field.(the player could have caused the injury to another player) So to avoid any confusion as such, I usually advise the chilren to put the subject in front. Answer 3 is straightforward as it does not create any ambiguity. Due to or Due the fact are acceptable forms of starting the answer. Answer 4 is similar to answer 2. The player and he may not be the same people. Answer 5 is acceptable. 由此可见,这5种答案都是可接受的
Eg.2 Ben said he would go to my house after school that day. Eg.3 Ramu asked his sister if she had gone to the party the previous day.
关于这题,意在确定在direct 和 indirect的句式中,是否come 和 go 必须是要变更的。 I appied 2 different answersfor Eg. 2. Ben said,"I will come to your house after school today." Ben said,"I will go to your house after school today."
For Eg. 3, I also gave 2 different answer. Ramu asked his sister," Did you come to the party last night?" Ramu asked his sister," Did you go to the party last night?"
Teacher's answer: For Eg.2: Ben is actually telling you that he will come to your house. So answer 1 is the correct answer. For Eg. 3: In this question, the speaker are 3rd speakers--this means that Ramu is asking his sister. He may not have gone to the party but only his sister did. So hi has to ask her if she had gone to the party. Unless, Ramu also went to the party, then he can ask his sister if she had come to the same party as him. So answer 2 is the correct answer. 结论: come 和 go ,是不需要在句式转换中固定转换的,要看语境意思。
Eg. 4 The government will offer subsidised housing to all citizens who meet the criteria.
1. Subsidised housing will be offered by the government to all citizens who meet the criteria.
2. Subsidised housing to all citizens who meet the criteria will be offered by the government.
Both answers are acceptable.