ICA给我一张pre-approved letter of consent和LOC有啥区别

minnnl LV1
2019-10-21 · 11599 阅读
本帖最后由 minnnl 于 21-10-2019 14:22 编辑

我8月刚结婚 拿了LTVP, 然后ICA打印了一张pre-approved letter of consent给我。想问问
1. 有这个pre-approved LOC 还需要公司再帮我申请LOC吗?
2. LTVP可不可以做part time工作?
3. LTVP会容易找到工作吗?我有朋友跟我说LTVP更难找工作。。。真的吗 :(

我现在还是无业游民,打算12月回国看看家人,所以暂时不敢找full time job, 怕很难拿Leave。但是我咨询了很多part time, 要么不回复 要么都不愿意请我。。。
我以为拿了LTVP更好找工作不是吗? /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ 好崩溃啊

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回答|共 3 个

王二宝 LV5

发表于 21-10-2019 17:33:25 | 显示全部楼层

1. ica出具的pre-approved letter of consent找到公司可以直接工作,不需要再由公司出面给你申请LOC。
2. 应该可以做
3. 很多小公司是喜欢持有loc工作的人,因为不受配额限制,也不用人头税。

王二宝 LV5

发表于 21-10-2019 17:34:10 | 显示全部楼层

Holding LTVP or LTVP+
If you are holding a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP or LTVP+) issued by ICA, you can work in Singapore if you get a Letter of Consent (LOC).

You first need to find a job in Singapore and get the employer to apply for an LOC for you.

Apply or renew LTVP or LTVP+
If you are applying for, or renewing, your LTVP or LTVP+ with ICA, you will be given the option to apply for a Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC).

The PLOC allows LTVP or LTVP+ holders to work in Singapore without the need to find a job first.

Note: PLOC holders are not allowed to work in some restricted occupation such as journalist, editor, sub-editor, producer, or in any religious occupation. To work in these occupations, your prospective employer need to apply for an LOC.

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