KyungheeTKD-a ground for taekwondo training

2022-10-14 · 5111 阅读
本帖最后由 KyungHeeTKD 于 14-10-2022 23:42 编辑

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Have youever wondered how it feels like to be a Taekwondo student?
And haveyou also wondered how you can make use of Taekwondo to protect yourself?
Temptedto Join Taekwondo Lessons but still afraid to take the first step?
Do notwait, it is your time now!

ForChildren Aged 12 and below, we are offering a FREE 20-minute trial class.
ForTeens, Adult's Trial classes or for general enquires, you may reach us at ourrespective branches as follows:

1. BukitTimah Headquarters
Address:Beauty World Center #03-37
ContactNumber: +65

2. JurongEast Branch
Address:Jurong Gateway #02-319/#02-329
ContactNumber: +65

3.Orchard Forum Branch
Address:Forum Shopping Mall #02-33
ContactNumber: +65

Inaddition, various promotional/discount packages are available once you attendthe trial class!
For informationregarding available courses schedule and registration, please refer to ourOfficial Website as follows:

1, BukitTimah HeadQuarter

2. JurongEast Branch

3.Orchard Branch

Registeryour trial lesson now at
oralternatively you can call us at the respective branch above to schedule for atrial lesson!
Take thefirst step or never!

Follow usfor more information at:


- Kyunghee Taekwondo Orchard
- Kyunghee Taekwondo

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