兼职/全职 女服务员 (正规) 动漫艺术 餐馆式酒庭 COSPLAY BAR

E383 LV15
2011-10-19 · 12153 阅读
本帖最后由 E383 于 29-10-2012 11:16 编辑


欢迎女生年龄18-22公立生或PR 来报名
酒庭免费提供以上漂亮制服, 上班穿。
要求:身高1.50-1.65M, 开朗,热爱漫画,卡通脸,可爱, 漂亮
每天上班会用两三位, 一周内大家轮流换班,每周能做2-3-4天
是个用餐的地方, 里面的客人可以点东西吃, 也可以坐下喝酒休闲的地方

工作时间:3班1130am - 230pm, 4pm-10pm, 6pm to 12am 六点到关门晚上12点关么的才有补车费
工钱:钟费 $7-10/hr, 一般给$7. 表现佳给$8.
地址:靠近 Clark Quay MRT, 克拉玛头地铁站

- 生活照
- 名字

- 你的年龄 (一定要过18岁,94年的要过了生日才行, 17岁差一个月满18也不行)
- 你的手机号(不方便给就与邮件联系,请记得查看邮箱)
- 你是公立或PR
- 你住靠近那边, 不必写你家大牌,门牌, 就写:大巴窑
- 你喜欢动漫艺术经验么?
(不必把你的全部简历都给我发, 不必写论文给我)

你可以来看看工作环境在决定, 喜欢的话才来上班。

注意:以上工作,你上班后 领第一次薪水时,公司会在你工钱里扣$25, 就一次。  

希望以后能看到你 在这开开心心上班 开始独立赚钱

因为有些女生不喜欢酒吧/BAR, 还有一些男生一直不停的来找我 要做酒吧

所以以下 是除了酒吧以外的其他工作, 供你参考,自己去面试, 先到先得:

其他正规酒吧工作:$7-12/hr + 提成


使用道具 举报


回答|共 58 个

E383 LV15

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

这两天, 我和老板谈好后, 就知道 提成怎么算, 车费有没有补贴

E383 LV15

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

我昨天去看了店面, 店的两边都是餐厅, 这家店的执照也属于餐厅
店会有两楼, 店面外很多旅客的, 洋人, 日本人, 韩国人, 本地上班族
到时,这家店可能成为那一代的焦点, Cosplay 餐厅已经在日本, 韩国 很盛行了
现在你来的话, 也有机会穿上他们提供的特别设计的衣服, 拍拍照, 作纪念。

要的话快, 我已经收到四位我认为 很可爱的女生的照片了

E383 LV15

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 E383 于 21-10-2011 09:56 编辑

老板规定很清楚, 只能用
女生年龄18-22  公立生或PR 来报名

私立学生 要等以后 看漫画酒庭发展如何

所以除了 公立生或PR ,其他人老板暂时是不会考虑

E383 LV15

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

本帖最后由 E383 于 22-10-2011 15:29 编辑

要我马上准备20位女孩 18-22岁

1.Australian International School
2.Canadian International School
3.Chatsworth International School
5.EDHEC Risk Institute-Asia
6.ESSEC Business School (Singapore)   
7.German European School Singapore
9.Government Junior Colleges
10.Government Secondary Schools  所有政府中学
11.Government-aided Junior Colleges
12.Government-aided Secondary Schools
13.Hollandse School
14.INSEAD, Singapore
15.Institute of Technical Education, Singapore ITE
16.International Community School
17.ISS International School
18.Japanese School (Secondary School)
19.LaSalle College of the Arts  艺术学院Lasalle
20.Lycee Francais De Singapour
21.Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts 南洋艺术学院
22.Nanyang Polytechnic   南洋
23.Nanyang Technological University
24.National University of Singapore  国大
25.New York University Tisch School of the Arts, Asia
26.Nexus International School  
27.Ngee Ann Polytechnic  
28.Overseas Family School
29.Republic Polytechnic  共和
30.S.P. Jain Center of Management Singapore
31.Sekolah Indonesia
32.SIM University
33.Singapore American School
34.Singapore Institute of Technology
35.Singapore Management University
36.Singapore Polytechnic
37.Singapore University of Technology and Design
38.Swiss School
39.Tanglin Trust School
40.Temasek Polytechnic
41.The American College
42.United World College of South East Asia
43.University of Chicago Graduate School of Business in Singapore
44.University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Singapore)
45.Waseda Shibuya Senior High School

E383 LV15

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

1) 4pm to 10pm
2) 6pm to 12am

过了12am, 回家taxi 可以报销(看你住多远, 公司会尽量补你车费)

E383 LV15

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

到时你们来面试, 我会陪你们

E383 LV15

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

The First and Only Cosplay Bar
Opening Soon @ 2011 NOV

We are looking for Girls Age 18-22 years old  
Singporean and SPR
Or Foreign Student from Japan, Korea, Vietnam, China, Hongkong Taiwan Malaysia and European countries
Must be from Local Approved Government School
Costumes provided, free, no need to pay rental fees
If your height is about 1.50-1.65M, weight about 40-52 kg, cheerful, bubbly, cartoon look alike, cute, adorable, big eyes baby face
We Want You
Job Scope:
To dress up in any Cosplay Character of your choice, help to serve customers food and drinks, simple chit chat with customers, showing off your Cosplay character while you are working in the Bar and have fun together.
What type of Customer:
Customer comes from all over the world, tourists, businessman and Local Singaporean. It is a dine and wine place for people to enjoy the music, eat and chill out.
Working Time: 4pm-10pm, 6pm to 12am
Hour Pay : $7-10/hr
Commission: Based on sale target
Pay: Every 2 week
Transport: Those who work until 12am can claim taxi fare up to certain amount, depend on where you stay, $5-$15
Cosplay Bar Address : Beside Clark Quay MRT
If Our Job interests you, please QUICKLY send email to
[email protected] together with:
1)    Your Photo, at least 2 photos
2)    Your Name (Nick Name will do, eg. Viki)
3)    Your age ( must be above 18, 17 year ++ not allowed)
4)    What is the name of Your School?
5)    Are you are a Singapore PR or Student Pass holder?
6)    Where do you stay (eg, Bishan)
7)    Hp Contact. (if you do not want to give hp, we will contact you through email, please check email regularly)
8)    Any cosplay experience, not necessary must have.
We do not need your full resume. Please send in everything by 28 Oct 2011.
You will be contacted once your photo is selected.
The interview will take place at end of OCT 2011.
We need about 20 cute little girls to join us in Cosplay fun and work environment.
I am a Girl Job Hunter Special Agent, famous in sourcing for girls for various entertainment outlets such as Normal KTV Pub, Restaurant, Bar and Big Scale private function. If you are being employed through my recommendation, the bar will deduct $25 from your first pay, one time only.
Please be reassured that all information given to me will be kept at the highest Confidentiality. After Interview, all information including your photos will be DELETED. Please also be assured that we guranteed you will definitely get your pay from the company that you had worked for. No cheatings, no owing, no delaying and no blank cheque.
So please hurry, once we get your email, we will definitely acknowlede with a reply within 2 hour though email or sms, regardless whether you are shortlisted or not.

E383 LV15

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

如果你太高, 就穿底一点的鞋子

1.50 - 1.65m  只是一个概念

那些1.8m 的太高了,穿了cosplay衣服不太好看
那些1.4 的还可以穿高一点的鞋子, 因为有些衣服可能会太长, 穿上就像在扫地

E383 LV15

发表于 半年前 | 显示全部楼层

现在被选上的有5 位了,还有人么? 快
满15 人后, 我就安排面试,我带你们一起去
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