lgfabc007 LV5
发表于 半年前
Hello! I've just graduated and I am keen to sell my notes at affordable prices. I am going to list the things I have below, which will cover the syllabus quite thoroughly. I will prefer to sell by subjects as whole but I am also open to selling notes individually.
H2 Physics
Topical Notes
Countdown Packages
Prelim packages
Revision Packages (Complete with planning guidebook)
Summary Book
Topical Summary Notes with important key points and summary exercises
H2 Mathematics
Topical Notes
Self made summary notes in a file, complete for final revision, MF15 in a file (I found this quite useful in my revision)
Many revision packages. Answers are available.
2014 Preliminary Examination Practices from various schools, complete with hardcopy answer
A Level H2 Mathematics Topical Practice
H2 Chemistry
Topical Notes: Foundation, physical, organic, inorganic
Chemistry Small Summary Book
Self made mindmaps
Planning Workbooks (1 guidebook plus 3 books)
Revision Packages with answers
H1 General Paper
-School Bulletin (include model essays etc, and I've binded them myself such that its like a book)
-Articles by Topics (binded)
-Broader Perspective 2014 issues
-Time magazine 2013 to 2014 (I can sell all the TIME magazine issues for $20)
-School Publications: For and Against, Fact and Fiction, Time Tunnel
-GP Matters and GP Power
-School of Thought notes
-2013 General Paper prelim papers from various schools with model answers
-2014 Preliminary Examination Essay Outlines/ Suggested answer from many schools
Please pm me for more information or negotiate prices/ ask for pictures. I am keen to clear my notes asap so if you are interested to buy them wholesale, I am willing to give a discount. |