
2004-08-29 · 3485 阅读
<PRE>Studying Example Sentences Is an Efficient Way of Building Your Vocabulary

Example sentences or phrases inform the reader about the meaning of the word, ho
w the word behaves grammatically in a sentence, and the attitudes that speakers
have toward the word.
They are most useful in showing which kinds of words regularly combine with the
word being defined. And besides, new and interesting example sentences (with Chi
nese annotations) can help the reader learn more new words and expressions than
he can ever hope to learn by merely reading vocabulary books without example sen
tences. Now let’s look at a few example sentences from the dictionary
《中高级英语考试词汇捷径》(上海远东出版社, 2003)

1. venturesome adj. daring; bold 好冒险的;大胆的 Kate, with her bungee jumping,
free-falling, and rock climbing, had always been the most venturesome of the fo
ur. 凯特爱好蹦极跳,降落伞张开前的自由下落和攀岩运动,是这4个人中最爱冒险的。
(bungee jumping…)

2. assert v. to state strongly or positively; insist on or demand recognition of
(rights, claims, etc.) 断言;坚称;坚持;维护 When Jill asserted that nobody el
se in the junior class had such an early curfew, her parents asserted themselves
, telling her that if she didn’t get home by nine o’clock she would be grounde
d for the week. 当吉尔断言3年级班级中没有任何其他人这么早就得留在屋里,她的父母坚
持自己的意见,告诉她如果9点之前她还不到家,这星期她就甭想再出门。 (grounded: con
fined at home as punishment——21ST CENTURY DICTIONARY OF SLANG) assertion n.
(curfew, grounded)

3. inscrutable adj. impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious 难以探测的;
不易理解的;神秘的 Experienced poker players try to keep their expressions inscr
utable, hiding their reactions to the cards behind a so-called poker face. 有经验
的扑克牌玩家总是试图保持神秘莫测的表情,把他们对牌局的反应隐藏在所谓的扑克脸 (毫
(poker face)

4. tractable adj. docile; easily managed 驯服的;听从的 Although Susan seemed a
tractable young woman, she had a stubborn streak of independence that occasional
ly led her to defy the powers-that-be when she felt they were in the wrong. 虽然
了时,偶尔会公然违抗他们。 tractability n.

5. transitory adj .impermanent; fleeting 非永久的;昙花一现的;倏忽的 Fame is tr
ansitory; today’s rising star is all too soon tomorrow’s washed-up has-been. 声
誉如过眼烟云;今天的当红明星瞬间成了明日黄花。 transitoriness n.
(washed-up, has been)

6. beseech v. to beg; plead with 乞求;恳求 The workaholic executive’s wife bes
eeched him to spend more time with their son. 那个经理醉心于工作,其妻恳求他多化

7. impudence n. impertinence; insolence 无礼;厚颜无耻 Kissed on the cheek by a
perfect stranger, Lady Catherine exclaimed, “Of all the nerve! Young man, I sho
uld have you horse-whipped for your impudence. 凯瑟琳女士的脸蛋被一完全陌生的人亲
(Of all the nerve! Horse-whipped)

8. propitious adj. favorable; fortunate; advantageous 顺利的;吉利的;有利的 Chl
oe consulted her horoscope to see whether Tuesday would be a propitious day to d
ump her boyfriend. 克洛伊查阅了星象,看看星期二是否是抛弃男朋友的吉利日子。
(horoscope, dump)

9. auspicious adj. favoring success 吉利的 With favorable weather conditions, it
was an auspicious moment to set sail. Thomas, however, had doubts about sailing
: a paranoid, he became suspicious whenever conditions seemed auspicious. 那时天
(paranoid, suspicious)

10. loquacious adj. apt to talk too much; talkative 过于健谈的;多话的 Though ou
r daughter barely says a word to us these days, put a phone in her hand and see
how loquacious she can be: our phone bills are out of sight! 近来女儿难得同我们说
一句话,但如果让她拿起电话,你瞧她是多么健谈: 我们的电话费高得离了谱!
(out of sight)  
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-29 20:01:12编辑过]

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回答|共 17 个

红色企鹅 LV15

发表于 29-8-2004 20:05:00 | 显示全部楼层

<P>faint..how come so long? In fact, i pasted it accidentally a.. but i think it is useful...</P><P>so be patient...</P>

绕着剑的风 LV6

发表于 29-8-2004 20:07:49 | 显示全部楼层

in fact..i like to use "implore" more than "beseech", and "obedient" more than "tractable"

红色企鹅 LV15

发表于 29-8-2004 20:10:04 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>绕着剑的风</I>在2004-8-29 20:07:49的发言:</B>
in fact..i like to use "implore" more than "beseech", and "obedient" more than "tractable"</DIV>
<P>is it becoz u learn them earlier?</P>

红色企鹅 LV15

发表于 29-8-2004 20:12:55 | 显示全部楼层

<PRE>“一句释多义” 的句子用词地道,造句漂亮,文理通顺,是我们说英语、写英语、搞口译所追求的目标,这涉及很多方面,其中掌握英语词汇的多义性可说是一个难点。《中高级英语考试词汇捷径》(上海远东出版社出版)中收录了不少译自世界一流英语权威辞书的“一句释多义”的句子,为读者事半功倍地掌握英语开辟了崭新的途径。 1. acute adj. quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe (思想或感官) 敏锐的;灵敏的;(疾病)急性的 The acute young doctor realized immediately that the gradual deterioration of her patient’s once-acute hearing was due to a chronic illness, not an acute one. 那位敏锐的年轻医生立刻意识到,病人一度灵敏的听觉逐渐衰退,是由一场慢性而并非急性的疾病造成的。 2. appease v. to pacify or soothe; relieve 平息;抚慰;缓解 Tom and Jody tried to appease the crying baby by offering him one toy after another. However, he would not calm down until they had appeased his hunger by giving him a bottle. 汤姆和乔迪给哭吵的婴孩一个又一个玩具,试图抚慰他。然而,直到他们给了他一瓶牛奶缓解了他的饥饿之后他才平静下来。 appeasement n. 3. assuage v. to ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) 缓和,减轻(痛苦);充(饥);平息(愤怒) Jilted by Jane, Dick tried to assuage his heartache by indulging in ice cream. One gallon later, he had assuaged his appetite but not his grief. 迪克被简抛弃后,试图以大吃冰淇淋来抚慰心痛。吃了一加仑后,他满足了胃口但并没有缓和悲伤的情绪。assuagement n. 4. betray v. to be unfaithful; reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly) 背叛;(无意地或不情愿地)暴露;显露 The spy betrayed his country by selling military secrets to the enemy. When he was taken in for questioning, the tightness of his lips betrayed his fear of incriminating himself. 间谍把军事机密出卖给敌方而背叛了祖国。 当他被拘留审问时,他紧闭双唇,无意中暴露了他害怕显示自己有罪的心理。 5. chisel v. to swindle or cheat; cut with a chisel 欺骗;诈骗;凿,雕,刻 The crook chiseled me out of a hundred dollars when he sold me that “marble” statue he’d chiseled out of some cheap hunk of rock. 骗子把他用劣质石块凿成的那尊“大理石”塑像卖给我,骗取了我100美元。6. compromise v. to adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or reputation of 通过互让解决(争执、分歧等);妥协;危及(利益),有损(名誉) Sometimes the presence of a neutral third party can help adversaries compromise their differences. Unfortunately, you’re not neutral. Therefore, your presence here compromises our chances of reaching an agreement. 有时,中立的第三方的出现可帮助敌对的两方通过互让解决分歧。不幸的是,你不是中立的。因此,你的在场会危及我们达成协议的机会。7. indifferent adj. unmoved or unconcerned by; mediocre 冷淡的;不感兴趣的;平庸的 Because Ann felt no desire to marry, she was indifferent to Carl’s constant proposals. Not only was she indifferent to him personally, but she felt that, given his general inanity, he would make an indifferent husband. 因为安不想结婚,所以她对卡尔一个劲儿的求婚不感兴趣。她不仅对他这个人冷淡,而且以为,他那副木讷的模样,将来准是个平庸的丈夫。8. illuminate v. to brighten; clear up or make understandable; enlighten 照亮;阐明;启迪 Just as a lamp can illuminate a dark room, a perceptive comment can illuminate a knotty problem. 正如灯能照亮黑暗的房间,具有真知卓见的评论亦能阐明棘手的问题。 9. reconcile v. to correct inconsistencies; make friendly after quarrel 【会计】 调节,核对,核查;使和解,使和好 Every time we try to reconcile our checkbook with the bank statement, we quarrel. However, despite these monthly lovers’ quarrels, we always manage to reconcile. 我们每次按银行结帐单核对支票簿时总发生争吵。然而,尽管有这些每月发生的爱人间的争吵,我们总能言归于好。10. vital adj. vibrant and lively; critical; living, breathing 生气勃勃的;关键性的;有生命的,呼吸着的 The vital, highly energetic first aid instructor stressed that it was vital in examining accident victims to note their vital signs. 那位生气勃勃精力旺盛的急救指导强调:在检查事故受害者时注意他们的生命体征是至关重要的。   </PRE>

红色企鹅 LV15

发表于 29-8-2004 20:15:30 | 显示全部楼层

<P>so irritating! why everything goes against me today!!!</P>

绕着剑的风 LV6

发表于 30-8-2004 02:05:17 | 显示全部楼层

what happen ah???? can you tell me the reason???

深邃与甜蜜 LV5

发表于 30-8-2004 14:21:18 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>hello_babe</I>在2004-8-30 12:04:10的发言:</B>

thank u for putting in the effort! You ve done a good job!!![em07]</DIV>
<P>Thanks a lot...</P>

深邃与甜蜜 LV5

发表于 30-8-2004 14:23:05 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>绕着剑的风</I>在2004-8-30 2:05:17的发言:</B>
what happen ah???? can you tell me the reason???</DIV>
<P>Nothing.  It was not my day yesterday....

hello_babe LV7

发表于 30-8-2004 12:04:10 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>红色企鹅</I>在2004-8-29 20:05:00的发言:</B>

<P>faint..how come so long? In fact, i pasted it accidentally a.. but i think it is useful...</P>
<P>so be patient...</P></DIV>

thank u for putting in the effort! You ve done a good job!!![em07]
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