<B><FONT size=5>
<P><FONT color=#f70909><FONT size=5>您的慷慨可以挽救一个生病,请给予林飞帮助!</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#f70909><FONT color=#000000 size=3> 很不幸的告诉大家一个坏消息:又一位同胞遭受到了病魔的摧残。林飞,目前工作于南洋理工大学,在8月18日的一次血液检查中,被发现罹患急性淋巴细胞白血病,目前他已经开始了化疗,并将于本周四(9月16日)再次回到新加坡中央医院住院接受第二个疗程的化疗。</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#f70909><FONT color=#000000 size=3> 林飞于2003年4月开始进入南洋理工大学网络技术研究所工作,目前父母都还在国内,没有固定收入,他还有一个尚在读大学四年级的弟弟。他的女朋友是南洋理工大学的全日制自费研究生,她目前担负起了照顾林飞的全部责任。</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#f70909><FONT color=#000000 size=3> 整个治疗过程将包括8个疗程的化疗,每个疗程的医疗费用都将是几千新币(包括床位费,化疗费用,药费等等)。由于林飞发病的时候骨髓内90%以上都已经被癌细胞占据,所以医生说骨髓移植才会是彻底根治的有效治疗手段。化疗加上骨髓移植手术的费用将至少花费<FONT color=#f70909>80000新币以上</FONT><FONT color=#000000>(国内以同样方法治疗白血病的费用也将在40万人民币以上)。</FONT></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#f70909><FONT color=#000000 size=3> 医生说如果林飞不接受治疗,他的生命将<FONT color=#ff3300>只能维持5-6个月</FONT>,而如果他按照医生的指示接受治疗,他的治愈几率将<FONT color=#ff0000>高达50%以上</FONT>!请帮助我们挽救林飞的生命!您的慷慨支持将不仅可以帮助他减轻医疗费用的经济负担,更可以给予他与疾病搏斗的信心!我们非常感激您的帮助!
<P><B><FONT size=5>Your generosity could save a life, please give your help to Mr. Lin Fei.</FONT></B>
Dear all:
I am sad to inform you that one of our research staff Mr. Lin Fei has unfortunately been diagnosed to have blood cancer (Acute Lymphoblastic/Lymphocytic Leukaemia ) four days ago, and it is now confirmed. Mr. Lin is staying in the Singapore General Hospital fighting with the disease, and simultaneously feeling very frustrated over the huge medical cost before him.
Mr. Lin Fei worked as a research associate in NTRC, NTU from late April, 2003. Currently his parents are workless in China. He has a younger brother, who is a student studying at university. His girlfriend lives with him in Singapore and is taking care of him now. However, she is just a fulltime MSc student at NTU without income.
Mr. Lin has now begun his first course of chemotherapy. One full treatment contains 8 courses of chemotherapy. Each course will cost several thousands to tens of thousands Singapore dollars including the ward accommodation fee, the medical fee, and the chemotherapy fee etc. For Mr. Lin Fei’s case as there is more than 90% cancer cells in his bone marrow, there is a high probability of stem cell transplantation for the future treatment. This transplantation will cost 40,000 to 80,000 Singapore dollars or more.
The doctor said if Mr. Lin Fei chose to do nothing for his disease, he’d definitely die in 5-6 months. But if he could follow the instructions of the doctors, his survival rate will be as high as 50% or more. So please help us to save his life. Your generous support will not only help him to overcome the financial burden of his medical treatment, but also give him confidence in fighting the disease. Your help is greatly appreciated!
Sincerely yours,
A/P Tang DT</P>
Supervisor of Mr. Lin Fei.
School of EEE
Nanyang Technological University
<FONT color=#ee1111>谢谢大家对林飞的帮助,目前南大已经出面帮忙,已经在学校的Finance Department开设了一个专门帐号(<FONT color=#000080>Fund For Lin Fei</FONT><FONT color=#ff0000>)</FONT>,但是目前只是接受支票以及现金(需要送到学校的counter),有关转帐的问题目前还在解决中。没有办法去南大捐钱的朋友,请通过银行直接转帐到林飞的OCBC银行户头:<FONT color=#dd2222>5374022944, Branch No.: 537。名字:Lin Fei。谢谢大家了!</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ee1111><FONT color=#dd2222>如果需要邮寄支票,请邮寄到以下地址:</FONT></FONT></P><FONT color=#ee1111><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2>Office of Finance</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2>Administration</FONT><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2> </FONT><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2>Building</FONT><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2> </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2>50 Nanyang Avenue</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2>Singapore</FONT><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2> 639798</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Arial color=navy size=2>Attn: Fund for Lin Fei</FONT></P>
<P></FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=black size=3>All cash donations indicating “Fund for Lin Fei” are to be deposited at the Cashier at the Office of Finance. All cheque donations are to be made payable to “NTU” indicating “Fund for Lin Fei” at the back of the cheque, either to be deposited with the Cashier or sent by post to the Office of Finance.</FONT></P></FONT>
<P>Foreign Undergraduates Matters(Including Admissions) <a href="https://www.sgchinese.com/bbs/[email protected]" target="_blank" >[email protected]</A>
Phone: (65) / (65)
Fax: (65) 
<P>PHONE: </P>
<P>我的日记地址:<a href="http://www.tianyablog.com/blogger/view_blog.asp?idWriter=264984&Key=319681794&BlogName=clementine" target="_blank" >http://www.tianyablog.com/blogger/view_blog.asp?idWriter=264984&Key=319681794&BlogName=clementine</A></P>
<P><FONT color=#3300ff size=6>好消息,林飞的弟弟林文的HLA检测报告已经出来,虽然没有达到full match,但是也match上了5个点,只要他没有别的疾病,就可以为哥哥进行骨髓移植手术了!</FONT></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-13 17:38:21编辑过] |