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冷天蓝 LV3

发表于 23-7-2005 11:35:47 | 显示全部楼层


冷天蓝 LV3

发表于 23-7-2005 11:35:47 | 显示全部楼层


冷天蓝 LV3

发表于 23-7-2005 11:35:47 | 显示全部楼层


冷天蓝 LV3

发表于 23-7-2005 11:35:47 | 显示全部楼层


jimmychoi LV4

发表于 24-7-2005 18:43:47 | 显示全部楼层

<P>jimmy choi,</P><P>18-year-old,</P><P>and i'm new here,</P><P>nice to meet everybody here...</P>

wzombie LV2

发表于 2-8-2005 20:41:25 | 显示全部楼层

<P>from china --a place only in peole's memory here </P><P>22    ---- a year old enough to get a job and have  duty for his love </P><P>happy to see everybody</P>

不倒娃 LV3

发表于 5-8-2005 15:42:22 | 显示全部楼层

hello...um....i am from China...Newcomer ..24yrs old old guy...wish we become friends and improve our english together..QQ 6291168  Welcome u....

zcl_001 LV1

发表于 11-8-2005 20:09:27 | 显示全部楼层

<P>Just come from China three days ago , and start a new life in Singapore now. Every things seam to be fresh to me,a big puzzle in front of me is that i do not catch what  people there is saying.I really hope I could speak english fluency as being my mother language. </P><P>Oh, A short introduce , I , from shanghai, 27 year-old. </P><P>appreciate share felling and experience with you all,</P><P>last not the least. Good luck to every one</P>

宝贝是我哦 LV1

发表于 12-8-2005 02:23:20 | 显示全部楼层

<P>how to improve?? just reading this message like that? cannot what!!  do not think it so easy OK?</P><P>not everyone got special power</P>

gogoxp LV3

发表于 13-8-2005 22:33:25 | 显示全部楼层

<P>Newcomer </P><P>from shanghai </P><P>18-yr old </P><P>want to  go to Singapore</P><P>want to see STAR</P>
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