cinque terre 游记

quokka LV4
2005-10-19 · 4663 阅读
<P><FONT size=3>看了这么多的游记<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>也发表一篇<FONT face="Times New Roman">.

<P><FONT size=3>大家都记了有名的大城<FONT face="Times New Roman">, </FONT>巴黎罗马什么的<FONT face="Times New Roman">. </FONT>我说说小地方吧<FONT face="Times New Roman">.
<P><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">
<P><FONT size=3>这个地方叫<FONT face="Times New Roman">cinque terre </FONT>是意大利临地中海的一片村庄<FONT face="Times New Roman">.
<P><FONT size=3>本来没有打算要去这个地方的<FONT face="Times New Roman">, </FONT>我和老公在费冷翠看名画到<FONT face="Times New Roman">”sian”, </FONT>百无聊赖中跟同房的美国驴友聊天<FONT face="Times New Roman">(</FONT>为省钱住的是<FONT face="Times New Roman">4</FONT>人房<FONT face="Times New Roman">),</FONT>他们千叮万嘱<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>要我们一定要去这个地方<FONT face="Times New Roman">.</FONT>又拿出一大堆当地的明信片来<FONT face="Times New Roman">”</FONT>色诱<FONT face="Times New Roman">”. </FONT>还说什么那儿的<FONT face="Times New Roman">pizza</FONT>又好吃又便宜<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>如此这番<FONT face="Times New Roman">, </FONT>我们就想反正与其在费冷翠闷死<FONT face="Times New Roman">, </FONT>不如去看看<FONT face="Times New Roman">.
<P><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">
<P ><FONT size=3>还好我们买的是那种不受限制的火车票<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>要更换行程也不需要额外的费用<FONT face="Times New Roman">.<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman"> <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">(</FONT>推荐驴友<FONT face="Times New Roman">:</FONT>根据你的行程<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>可以买不同天的火车票<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>比如买<FONT face="Times New Roman">3</FONT>天的就可以在意大利境内任游<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>坐<FONT face="Times New Roman">3</FONT>天火车<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>不管你的距离远近<FONT face="Times New Roman">.</FONT>也可以选择买法国和意大利一起<FONT face="Times New Roman">, </FONT>或更多欧陆国家一起的<FONT face="Times New Roman">.</FONT>这样一来<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>如果临时觉得想去别的地方溜达<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>也比较方便更换计划<FONT face="Times New Roman">.</FONT>铁路票在新家坡就可以买到<FONT face="Times New Roman">)<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman"> <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>于是我们问清方向<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>就背包去翡啉翠的火车站了<FONT face="Times New Roman">.</FONT>手上唯一的资料就是美国佬的质量保证书和从旅馆拿来的一本<FONT face="Times New Roman">Rick Steves Europe Through the Back Door , (</FONT>一般这种旅店都回有个书架<FONT face="Times New Roman">, </FONT>来来往往的旅人回家前就会把用完的旅行书放着<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>供下个人用<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>如此生生不息<FONT face="Times New Roman">.)<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman"> <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman">(</FONT>推荐驴友<FONT face="Times New Roman">:</FONT>除了<FONT face="Times New Roman">lonely planet,</FONT>不要忘记看这本哦<FONT face="Times New Roman">. </FONT>好推荐<FONT face="Times New Roman">.</FONT>记得要看旅行的书要看他们的<FONT face="Times New Roman">latest edition)<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3><FONT face="Times New Roman"> <p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>我们买了去比萨<FONT face="Times New Roman">pisa</FONT>的火车票<FONT face="Times New Roman">, </FONT>上了车<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>心里一边滴咕<FONT face="Times New Roman">, </FONT>会不会是美国佬少见多怪<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>一般的景色夸得象天仙<FONT face="Times New Roman">.</FONT>希望不要白白浪费我们的时间<FONT face="Times New Roman">.</FONT>因为下一站我们本来是去威尼斯<FONT face="Times New Roman">,</FONT>现在就是走掉头路了<FONT face="Times New Roman">.<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT size=3>不过很快我们就开始就商量等下要不要去看看著名的比萨斜塔<FONT face="Times New Roman">.<p></p></FONT></FONT></P>
<P><IMG src="" border=0></P>
<P><IMG src=",%20cinque%20terre,%20italy.jpg"></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-20 12:45:37编辑过]

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回答|共 18 个

quokka LV4

发表于 19-10-2005 18:55:23 | 显示全部楼层

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quokka LV4

发表于 19-10-2005 18:57:58 | 显示全部楼层

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quokka LV4

发表于 19-10-2005 18:54:36 | 显示全部楼层

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quokka LV4

发表于 19-10-2005 18:59:19 | 显示全部楼层

<P><img src=""></P><P>地中海的明珠!!</P>

whiteduck LV9

发表于 20-10-2005 10:06:02 | 显示全部楼层


quokka LV4

发表于 20-10-2005 12:49:26 | 显示全部楼层

<img src="">

kuxiao LV6

发表于 20-10-2005 18:16:33 | 显示全部楼层


quokka LV4

发表于 20-10-2005 16:48:03 | 显示全部楼层

<P>我们是坐火车, 从比萨到<FONT color=#660033>La Spezia 站, 在La Spezia 站再问那边的人说要去cinque terre, 每人都回告诉你了.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#660033>请继续关注我的游记.吼吼</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#660033 size=4>以下从它网站抄来的</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#660033 size=4>GETTING THERE BY TRAIN

</FONT><FONT size=2><FONT color=#660033>Cinque Terre is accessible by train from all over Europe. The main cities nearby are Genoa in the north (approx. 130 km) and La Spezia the south, just one stop from Riomaggiore.<IMG src="" align=right border=0>

</FONT><FONT color=#660033><U>From Genoa (Genova), near Nice and Milan:
</U>Take the local train that goes to La Spezia and stops at all stations on the way (ferma in tutte le stazioni) or take an express train to La Spezia and back track.

</FONT><FONT color=#660033><U>From La Spezia on the Genova-Pisa line:
</U>take the local train to Sestri Levante that stops at all stations on the way (ferma in tutte le stazioni).

Local trains: about one every hour. Be careful, if you sit too far back in the train when it stops in the villages your car might still be in the tunnel and you won’t be able to see the town’s sign</FONT></FONT></P>

quokka LV4

发表于 20-10-2005 16:56:07 | 显示全部楼层

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