
wogad LV4
2007-03-05 · 3068 阅读
<p>这里几个大佬发表了关于同时拥有租屋公寓,能不能出租组屋,自主公寓的误导言论,特更正如下,正确信息是只要你有组屋,不管你贷款有无还清,住了多久,你都必需住在组屋里。</p><p></p><p>Flat owners and occupiers are allowed to invest in private properties (both local and overseas). However, they must meet certain eligibility conditions: <br/><br/><table class="TABLE_CONTENT" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" border="1"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="TABLE_HEADER" width="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff"><div align="center"><b>For flats bought directly from HDB (including flats bought from the open market with CPF Housing Grant)</b></div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="TABLE_CONTENT" width="100%"><ul><li type="disc">The flat owners must satisfy the required occupation period for the flat before acquiring the private property. </li><li type="disc">Flat owners and occupiers who have fulfilled the required occupation periods for their flats do not need to seek HDB's prior written consent before acquiring the private properties. </li><li type="disc">The flat owners must continue to stay in the HDB flat after acquiring the private property.</li></ul></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="TABLE_CONTENT" width="100%"><div align="center"><b>For Flats bought from the open market without CPF Housing Grant</b></div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="100%"><ul><li type="disc">There is no need to satisfy the required occupation period for the flat before acquiring the private property. However, the flat owners must continue to stay in the HDB flat after acquiring the private property. </li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table></p>

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michael8330 LV5

发表于 5-3-2007 13:54:00 | 显示全部楼层

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>wogad</i>在2007-3-5 12:18:00的发言:</b><br/><p>这里几个大佬发表了关于同时拥有租屋公寓,能不能出租组屋,自主公寓的误导言论,特更正如下,正确信息是只要你有组屋,不管你贷款有无还清,住了多久,你都必需住在组屋里。</p><p></p><p>Flat owners and occupiers are allowed to invest in private properties (both local and overseas). However, they must meet certain eligibility conditions: <br/><br/><table class="TABLE_CONTENT" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="100%" border="1"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="TABLE_HEADER" width="100%" bgcolor="#ffffff"><div align="center"><b>For flats bought directly from HDB (including flats bought from the open market with CPF Housing Grant)</b></div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="TABLE_CONTENT" width="100%"><ul><li type="disc">The flat owners must satisfy the required occupation period for the flat before acquiring the private property. </li><li type="disc">Flat owners and occupiers who have fulfilled the required occupation periods for their flats do not need to seek HDB's prior written consent before acquiring the private properties. </li><li type="disc">The flat owners must continue to stay in the HDB flat after acquiring the private property.</li></ul></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="TABLE_CONTENT" width="100%"><div align="center"><b>For Flats bought from the open market without CPF Housing Grant</b></div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td width="100%"><ul><li type="disc">There is no need to satisfy the required occupation period for the flat before acquiring the private property. However, the flat owners must continue to stay in the HDB flat after acquiring the private property. </li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table></p></div><p><a href="http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10296p.nsf/PressReleases/216787C15F4FE64F4825729300247AD7?OpenDocument">http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10296p.nsf/PressReleases/216787C15F4FE64F4825729300247AD7?OpenDocument</a></p><p><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0"><tbody><tr valign="top"><td class="TitleStyle" width="100%"><div id="hidePart21">&nbsp;Relaxation Of Policy On Subletting Of Whole Flat<br/></div><div id="hidePart22"><img height="7" src="http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10297p.nsf/ImageView/REDTITLEBAR/$file/TITLEBAR.gif" width="723" alt=""/></div></td></tr><tr valign="top"><td class="body" width="100%"><div id="hidePart23"><br/><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>The Minister for National Development announced in Parliament today that HDB will further relax its policy on the subletting of whole flats. With this relaxation, HDB flat owners can now sublet their whole flats after meeting the Minimum Occupation Period (MOP) of 5 or 3 years, depending on whether the flat had been purchased with a housing subsidy. <br/><br/><b><div class="SectionHeader">Background</div></b><br/>2<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>HDB flats sold under the Home Ownership scheme are meant for long-term owner-occupation. However, HDB recognises that the flat is also the single most valuable asset for many Singaporeans, and has a value that can be unlocked to provide some supplementary income for flat owners. <br/><br/>3<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>HDB has gradually relaxed its policy on the subletting of whole flats over the years since Jan 2003. The policy was last relaxed in Mar 2005 when the MOP for subletting was further reduced to 10 years for lessees with an outstanding HDB loan, and 5 years for all other lessees. <br/><br/><b><div class="SectionHeader">Futher Relaxation</div></b><br/>4<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>With immediate effect, HDB will be relaxing its policy on the subletting of whole flats through a further reduction of the MOP and delinking it from the lessees’ HDB loan status. The revised MOP is:<br/><ul><u>5 years for owners of subsidised flats</u>, i.e. flats purchased directly from HDB or from the open market with a CPF Housing Grant; and <br/><br/><u>3 years for owners of non-subsidised flats</u>, i.e. flats purchased from the open market without a CPF Housing Grant.</ul><br/>5<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>This reduction of the MOP for subletting will allow flat owners greater flexibility to monetise their flats when it is needed, e.g. during retirement or times of financial difficulty. It will also enlarge the rental market for HDB flats and offer more rental housing options for those who are not yet ready to buy a property. <br/><br/>6<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>With this relaxation, about 645,000 HDB flats can be immediately sublet by their owners. <br/><br/><b><div class="SectionHeader">Procedures for Subletting </div></b><br/>7<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>Flat owners are required to seek HDB’s prior approval before they sublet their flats, and will have to comply with HDB’s subletting rules and conditions listed at <u>Annex A</u>. They can submit their applications online at HDB’s InfoWeb at <a href="http://www.hdb.gov.sg/" target="_self">www.hdb.gov.sg</a>. <br/><br/>8<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>HDB will conduct half-yearly flat inspections for approved subletting cases and work closely with the community to gather feedback on nuisance created by subtenants. In the event that subtenants disrupt the good environment and ambience of the public housing estates, HDB may revoke the subletting approval and the flat owner will be required to terminate the tenancy. <br/><br/>9<b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</b>For further information or enquiries, the public can contact the HDB Branch Office Service Line at 1800 2255432. <br/><br/><br/><br/><b><div class="SectionHeader">Annex A - Terms &amp; Conditions for Subletting of Whole Flat </div></b><br/><br/><u><div class="ContentColorBlue">Application</div></u><br/><br/>1. Owner must obtain HDB's prior written approval before subletting of whole flat. <br/><br/>2. Owner must provide subtenants’ particulars at the time of application and inform HDB of subsequent changes.<br/><br/>3. Permission to sublet is granted for a maximum period of 3 years subject to review. For subletting under the categories of owner/spouse going overseas for work or study, the permission to sublet is granted for the entire duration of owner’s stay overseas. Consent may be revoked at any time by HDB giving 2 weeks’ notice.<br/><br/>4. An administrative fee of $20/- is charged for the processing of each application.<br/><br/>5. After the subletting period expires and if the owner wishes to continue to sublet, a new application must be submitted and will be subject to a reassessment of the eligibility of the owner to sublet the whole flat. <br/><br/>6. If the owner is overseas during the period of subletting, a valid Power of Attorney is required for the duration that the owner is overseas.<br/><br/><u><div class="ContentColorBlue">Responsibilities of Owner</div></u><br/><br/>1. The owner or his attorney is responsible for:<br/><br/>(a) ensuring the flat is sublet to eligible subtenants only;<br/><br/>(b) the covenants in the lease and all infringements committed by the subtenants;<br/><br/>(c) informing the Comptroller of Property Tax of the subletting and the HDB of any changes in the subletting; <br/><br/>(d) surrendering vacant possession of the flat in the event that the flat is repossessed by the HDB; <br/><br/>(e) ensuring that the subtenants entered Singapore and are remaining in Singapore lawfully at all times while the subletting is in force.<br/><br/>2. Owner and family must resume occupation of the flat and ensure subtenants vacate the premises when the subletting is terminated or when he ceases to be eligible to sublet the whole flat.<br/><br/><u><div class="ContentColorBlue">Subtenants</div></u><br/><br/>1. The subtenants must be Singapore citizens, Singapore permanent residents, or non-citizens legally residing in Singapore [holders of Singapore blue Identity Cards, Employment Passes, Student Passes or Work Permits<font color="#0000ff">
                                                        </font>(except for non-Malaysian foreign construction workers)] <br/><br/>2. The maximum number of subtenants allowed per flat is 4 persons for 1- and 2-room flats, 6 persons for 3-room flats, and 8 persons for 4-room and bigger flats. <br/><br/>3. The subtenants must not be tenants/lessees of other HDB flats except for:-<br/><br/>(a) tenants/lessees who are divorced/legally separated. (Only one of the divorced/separated parties can be a subtenant of another HDB flat);<br/><br/>(b) lessees who are eligible to sublet their whole HDB flat. (They must sublet their own flat within one month after they have rented an HDB flat from other flat owner) <ul></ul>4. The subtenants must not be owners of any Executive Condominium units whereby the 5-year Minimum Occupation period has not expired. <br/><br/>5. The subtenants must observe and comply with all the terms, conditions and covenants of the lease and the provisions in the Housing &amp; Development Act. <br/><br/>6. The subtenants must not further sublet the flat to other persons.<br/><br/></div></td></tr></tbody></table><br/></p><div class="page_updated">Date Issued : 03 Mar 2007</div>

wogad LV4

发表于 5-3-2007 14:22:00 | 显示全部楼层


都市放牛 LV4

发表于 6-3-2007 11:54:00 | 显示全部楼层


wogad LV4

发表于 6-3-2007 12:23:00 | 显示全部楼层


fanglinsg LV14

发表于 7-3-2007 22:36:00 | 显示全部楼层

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>wogad</i>在2007-3-5 14:22:00的发言:</b><br/>出租整套组屋条例这几年逐步放宽,最新政策是新房5年就可出租,2手3年,不管有无贷款。但针对同时拥有组屋和公寓比需住在组屋的条例没变。对购买新房5年之内不能购买私人房产的条例也没变。</div><p>本人就是现在住在私人公寓,并同时将住了多年的HDB组屋申请合法整间出租的。HDB有给我一纸书面证明和一堆表格填写。</p><p>我对于我所写的帖子已经尽量注意提供准确讯息,但是讯息常常在变。如果各位觉得讯息有误,最好自己打热线电话到HDB总部去问。我早都说了:不要随便相信网上的各种讯息。但也不必随便给热心提供参考讯息的网友扣大帽子。</p><p><font color="#c211ee">补充一下最近的新闻:</font>
        </p><p align="right"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0"><tbody><tr><td height="15"><font color="#c211ee"></font></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="c3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="610" border="0"><tbody><tr><td width="610"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><center><h4><font color="#c211ee">屋主居住年限缩短 更多人可出租整间组屋</font></h4></center></td></tr></tbody></table><font color="#c211ee">《联合早报》3月4日2007年</font></p><p align="right"><font color="#c211ee">出租组屋的条例进一步放宽,受津贴组屋的屋主住满5年、不受津贴组屋的屋主住满3年后即可出租整间组屋。 </font></p><p><font color="#c211ee">  市场人士认为,虽然真正愿意出租整间组屋的屋主不多,但此举或许有助于为热烘烘的租赁市场降温。 </font></p><p><font color="#c211ee">64万5000间组屋符合资格 </font></p><p><font color="#c211ee">  国家发展部长马宝山昨天在国会拨款委员会辩论国家发展部的开支预算时宣布这个消息,新条例即日生效。条例放宽后,符合资格可整间出租的组屋达64万5000间。</font></p><p align="right"><font color="#c211ee">出租组屋的条例进一步放宽,受津贴组屋的屋主住满5年、不受津贴组屋的屋主住满3年后即可出租整间组屋。 </font></p><p><font color="#c211ee">  市场人士认为,虽然真正愿意出租整间组屋的屋主不多,但此举或许有助于为热烘烘的租赁市场降温。 </font></p><p><font color="#c211ee">64万5000间组屋符合资格 </font></p><p><font color="#c211ee">  国家发展部长马宝山昨天在国会拨款委员会辩论国家发展部的开支预算时宣布这个消息,新条例即日生效。条例放宽后,符合资格可整间出租的组屋达64万5000间。</font></p>

fanglinsg LV14

发表于 10-3-2007 14:02:00 | 显示全部楼层

<p>全部的新闻在此:</p><p>  出租组屋的条例进一步放宽,受津贴组屋的屋主住满5年、不受津贴组屋的屋主住满3年后即可出租整间组屋。 </p><p>  市场人士认为,虽然真正愿意出租整间组屋的屋主不多,但此举或许有助于为热烘烘的租赁市场降温。 </p><p>64万5000间组屋符合资格 </p><p>  国家发展部长马宝山昨天在国会拨款委员会辩论国家发展部的开支预算时宣布这个消息,新条例即日生效。条例放宽后,符合资格可整间出租的组屋达64万5000间。 </p><p>  在这之前,还没还清建屋局贷款的屋主必须在住满10年后才能将整间组屋出租,已还清贷款的屋主则只须住满5年。 </p><p>  马宝山昨天宣布的新条例是以购买的组屋是否受津贴组屋为考量点。受津贴组屋包括直接向建屋局购买的组屋和向建屋局申请公积金购屋津贴购买的转售组屋,不受津贴组屋则是不以公积金购屋津贴购买的转售组屋。 </p><p>  他说,此是为了让屋主更容易从组屋中套取现金,以度过他们的老年岁月。可以让屋主从组屋套取现金的方法还包括搬到较小型组屋如小型公寓、出租一个房间等。 </p><p>  建屋局过后发表文告说,条例放宽让屋主面对困境或退休时有更大的伸缩空间套取现金,也扩大租赁市场,让还没有能力购买房子的人有更多的租用选择。 </p><p>  可整间出租的组屋增加,理应可让租金水平降低。不过,德诚房地产经纪行老板蔡锦平和博纳集团(PropNex)总裁伊斯迈指出,目前租赁市场火热,此举不大可能使租金水平降低,但或许有助于为租赁市场降温。 </p><p>  伊斯迈说:“目前租赁市场有足够的需求消化这些供应,因为租赁市场供应不足。过去6个月,私人房地产租赁市场的租金水平提高了40%,带动组屋租金水平提高25%至30%。现在,没有多少个私人房地产的月租少过2000元,那些预算较低的外国专才把目标转向组屋,所以组屋租金水平被抬高了。” </p><p>  蔡锦平也说,租赁市场的组屋短缺,导致租金水涨船高,更多的组屋可投入租赁市场,或许有助于为租赁市场降温。 </p><p>  他说:“一些外国专才的薪水不高,他们可能发现随着生活水平高涨,无法在新加坡呆下去,最终选择离开新加坡。” </p><p>  不过,伊斯迈也认为,虽然有更多屋主可以出租整间组屋,但会这么做的只限于需要现金的屋主。他说:“对很多新加坡人来说,组屋是他们唯一的房地产,而且传统上喜欢把房子留着,所以除非真正需要现金,或有其他地方可住,否则没有太多人愿意出租整间组屋。” </p><p>  蔡锦平估计,每100间可整间出租的组屋中,可能只有两三间的屋主会这么做。 </p><p>  建屋局文告也说,屋主在出租组屋前必须取得建屋局批准。组屋出租后,当局每半年稽查一次,确保租户没有破坏居住环境,否则建屋局将取消出租许可,屋主须中止租约。 </p><p>  公众可拨建屋局热线1800-2255432了解更多详情。</p>

fanglinsg LV14

发表于 10-3-2007 14:29:00 | 显示全部楼层

出租整间组屋的条例与是否还清建屋局贷款的条件脱钩,可让屋主利用租金缴付贷款。 <p>  建屋发展局局长郑锦宝昨天在建屋局优质服务日活动上受访时说,建屋局检讨组屋购买和出租条例时,注意到一些屋主居住一段时日后,因各种原因必须出租组屋。 </p><p>  他说,一些屋主选择搬去同已婚子女同住,另一些则希望通过出租组屋套取现金。 </p><p>  郑锦宝说,数据显示,需要出租整间组屋的屋主,主要是居住在较小的单位,例如三房式或四房式组屋,而且多数是年长者。 </p><p>  他说:“我们检讨条例时,觉得出租条例没必要同是否还清组屋贷款挂钩。通过放宽条例,我们可协助希望以出租组屋增加收入的屋主,包括要用租金偿还组屋贷款的人。” </p><p><table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" width="200" align="right" bgcolor="#dddddd" border="0"><tbody><tr><td class="c1"><img class="biankuang" alt="" src="http://property.zaobao.com/images4/hdb070308.jpg" width="200" align="center"/> 郑锦宝(右)身为建屋局局长,配合优质服务日活动,在服务柜台接待公众,为提供优质服务示范。 </td></tr></tbody></table></p><p>  国家发展部长马宝山日前在国会拨款委员会辩论国家发展部的开支预算时宣布,建屋局即日起进一步放宽组屋出租条例,受津贴组屋的屋主住满5年、不受津贴组屋的屋主住满3年即可出租整间组屋。条例放宽后,符合资格可整间出租的组屋达64万5000间。 </p><p> 在这之前,还没还清建屋局贷款的屋主须住满10年才能将整间组屋出租,已还清贷款的屋主只须住满5年。 </p><p>新条例以购买组屋 </p><p>是否受津贴为考量 </p><p>  新条例是以购买的组屋是否受津贴组屋为考量点。受津贴组屋包括直接向建屋局购买的组屋和向建屋局申请公积金购屋津贴购买的转售组屋,不受津贴组屋则是不以公积金购屋津贴购买的转售组屋。 </p><p>  郑锦宝说,建屋局放宽组屋购买和出租条例时,也必须确保人们不能通过购买组屋进行投资和牟利。他说:“因此,我们放宽条例时,还是限制屋主住满3年或5年后才能出租整间组屋。因为很少人会为了出租组屋而购买组屋,因为他们必须等到3到5年后才能整间出租。他们购买组屋是因为需要地方住、需要组织家庭。”</p>

都市放牛 LV4

发表于 15-3-2007 01:38:00 | 显示全部楼层

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>wogad</i>在2007-3-6 12:23:00的发言:</b><br/>的确如此,每户家庭只能拥有1间组屋,整间出租出去了,自己就没地方住了。这个政策主要是帮助老人,有些老人年级大了,搬去子女家住,房子整间出租出去赚点租金养老。我也见过有国人买了组屋整套租出去的(当然是偷偷的),自己外面租一间房间住,赚点差价。</div><p>我去HDB问了一下,如果你有一套HDB组屋和一套私人公寓,而且屋主仍在新加坡工作生活,一个马来人说不可以整间出租HDB组屋,一个印度人说可以,blor,blor了。。。。。 </p><p>不过,我拿到一份HDB关于整间出租组屋的approved letter,上面有一条款,值得探讨: </p><p>1 ............. </p><p>2&nbsp; We are please to inform you that approval has been granted to you for the subletting of the above flat from ........... </p><p>3&nbsp; Please note that the period of subletting of flat will <strong><u><font color="#ff3300">not be included</font></u></strong> in the computation of the requisite occupation period / time bar in assessing your eligibility to:- </p><p>a.&nbsp;&nbsp; resell your flat in the open market; </p><p><strong><font color="#ff0000">b.&nbsp; invest in private residential properties;</font></strong><br/>&nbsp;</p><p>c.&nbsp; apply for a flat directly from HDB </p><p>(para <strong><u><font color="#ff0000">3(b)</font></u></strong> and (c) are <strong><u><font color="#ff3300">not applicable</font></u></strong>&nbsp; if it is a resale flat bought from the open market without a CPF Housing Grant) </p><p>4 .................... </p><p>&nbsp;按照这份信,好像可以,但按照网上说的,真的<strong><font color="#f70938"><u>不</u></font></strong>可以整间出租,芳林老斑竹给的新闻,也<strong><u><font color="#0033ff">没有</font></u></strong>明确说明在这种情况下,可以整间出租。 </p><p>-------------- </p><p>“这个政策主要是帮助老人,有些老人年级大了,搬去子女家住,房子整间出租出去赚点租金养老” </p><p>如此说来,奇怪的是,老人只要住在自己子女的家,就可以整间出租组屋,那问题是有两点: </p><p>1)老人住在私人屋子和住在自己子女的家有什么不同呢? </p><p>2)子女的家如果也是组屋就可以,那么如果子女的家是私人屋子,那老人岂不是也住在私人屋子了吗? </p><p>哈哈,这个“政策”还是有点不明了。希望那位懂这个“政策”的人给进一步解释一下。 </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>[em09][em09][em09][em09]
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-15 1:43:21编辑过]

wogad LV4

发表于 15-3-2007 15:01:00 | 显示全部楼层

<p>本人在组屋住了5年后,买入一公寓,当时听中介说不可以自住公寓出租组屋,后去HDB打听得到相同答复,故卖掉组屋了。</p><p>我的理解是这些年政策调整都是针对只拥有组屋的家庭,必竟拥有私人房产的占总人口不到20%,按现政策无私屋的组屋屋主只要住满有效期(新房5年,2手无津贴3年)就可整套出租,不管你住去哪里。</p><p>1)老人住在私人屋子和住在自己子女的家有什么不同呢? </p><p>如果老人同时拥有组屋和私屋,他的组屋也不可整套出租,如果只有组屋,只要住满有效期可整套出租。</p><p>2)子女的家如果也是组屋就可以,那么如果子女的家是私人屋子,那老人岂不是也住在私人屋子了吗? </p><p>可以,子女的房子不在老人名下,住和拥有是两个概念。</p>
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