推荐: 护照照片处理工具: http://www.123PassportPhoto.com 来源: http://www.dolc.de/forum/viewthread.php?tid=540063&extra=&page=1 上次在一个关于给宝宝护照照片的帖子里回复了一些,后来想想不太全面,就把我们给宝宝几次做照片的经验写下来,希望对妈妈们有所帮助。如有不祥之处,也请妈妈们指正! http://www.dolc.de/forum/viewthr ... p;page=2#pid8485475 宝宝太小,出去给宝宝照像可能会碰到他们情绪不好的时候。所以有时间可以自己在家给宝宝做护照照,一来可以找到宝宝最好的神情,二来还可以从宝宝的照片中找到很多的乐趣。 1.工具 A. 数码相机 B. 照片处理软件处理软件有很多,我一般习惯用Photoshop. C. 白色/浅蓝背景 我们用的是浅蓝色床罩罩在一个matratze上,将matratze贴墙竖起,扶宝宝坐着照相。 2.冲洗 A.可按普通照片冲洗优点:照片色彩清晰适合于:时间充裕,同时一次要冲洗好多照片的时候。因为每次冲洗照片都要有手续费,而且在DM洗,要事先拷入光盘。 B.利用DM的柯达相片速洗机冲洗优点:快,对于洗单张便宜。缺点:像素少,色彩不够清晰,有时发暗。但照片使用时没有问题的。柯达相片速洗机也有很多可选择的方式,我们用过两种: a. 按普通照片冲洗(0,35欧) b.按passbild冲洗(价格不太记得,好像也是0,35欧)同时柯达相片速洗机还有bildverarbeiten的功能,可当时在那处理相片,但价格较贵,好像要1欧多了。 3.相片规格 A.中国护照照片要求: http://www.china-botschaft.de/chn/lsfw/hzsw/t160659.htm 97版因私护照照片要求: 1、 申办97版因私护照需要提供三张近期(半年内)正面免冠彩色半身证件照片(光面相纸); 2、 照片背景颜色为白色或淡蓝色,其他颜色不予受理; 3、 照片要求人像清晰,层次丰富,神态自然。黑白照片、经翻拍的照片或采用各种彩色打印机打印的照片不予受理; 4、 原始相片人像尺寸要求: 半身证件照尺寸:48毫米×33毫米 头部宽度为21-24毫米 头部长度为28-33毫米 头像大小超出规定尺寸范围的照片不予受理 新加坡护照照片要求: Photograph Requirement Please affix one (1) recent passport-sized colour photograph on the completed application form. The photograph must meet the following specifications: Sharp and clear, 35 mm wide by 45 mm high without border and taken within the last 3 months; Taken full face with you looking directly at the camera with head straight, eyes open with no hair across and/or covering the eyes. Both edges of your face, and the top of the shoulders must be clearly seen; Taken with the image of your face measuring between 25 mm and 35 mm from chin to crown of head; Taken without wearing any hat or other head covering, unless you habitually wear a hat or head covering in accordance with your religious or racial custom. If any such hat or other head covering is worn, the photograph must still be a full frontal view of your head and shoulders, showing your facial features in entirety with eyes open and clearly visible; If you wear glasses, the photograph must show your eyes clearly with no flash reflection off the glasses. The frame shall not cover any part of your eyes. Tinted glasses and sunglasses are not allowed; Taken with uniform lighting with no flash reflection or shadow, no uneven bright spots on the face and no red eyes; Taken against a white background, except that if your hair, hat or head covering is white, the background must be light grey; Show you alone with no chair back, toys or other persons visible; Be printed on high quality paper at high resolution with a matt or semi-matt finish with no ink marks or creases. ( http://app.ica.gov.sg/serv_citizen/travel_documents/app_passport_postbox.asp) |