
davylw LV8
2008-08-07 · 667 阅读
<p>San Yu Adventist School</p>
<p><strong>Mission Statement<br/></strong>To provide high quality primary and secondary Christian education through integrating faith in God and learning for life. </p>
<p><strong>Vision<br/></strong>A premier Christian school nurturing a holistic person now and for the kingdom of God.</p>
<p><strong>Values<br/></strong>1. Integrity<br/>2. Caring<br/>3. Responsibility<br/>4. Perseverance<br/>5. Cooperation<br/>6. Friendship<br/>7. Trust in God</p>
<p><strong>Philosophy<br/></strong>SYAS believes that man was created in the image of God and the purpose of education is to restore man to the image of God.</p>
<p><strong>Objectives<br/></strong>1. To lead young people to the knowledge that Jesus is the Creator and Saviour of the world.</p>
<p>2. To develop their abilities to the fullest for higher service to God and their fellowmen.</p>
<p>3. To teach young people to be law-abiding, loyal and active citizens.</p>
<p>4. To help young people value and respect others, their private property and the properties of the school and the public.</p>
<p>5. To provide opportunities for young people to acquire knowledge and skills that will help them to prepare for further training in institutions of higher learning and to adapt to the ever-changing environment. </p>
<p>&nbsp;</p><font face="Verdana">学校校园简介<br/>(01)有关入学考试资料<br/>? 所有外国学生都必须要经过入学鉴定考试<br/>? 每个星期一,二或三都有入学考试<br/>? 您可在当天早上9 点来报名,考试将在9 点30 分开始<br/>? 考试科目是英文和数学2 科<br/>? 报名时请同时交上100 元的考试费<br/>? 考试成绩将在几天之后揭晓</font>
<p><font face="Verdana">(02)有关报名程序<br/>? 不是来自新加坡正规学校的学生,都必需通过英文和数学入学考试,才可申请报名<br/>? 那些曾在新加坡学校就读过的,请把成绩单带来,由校方考虑<br/>? 外国学生只可以在拿到学生证后,才能上学<br/>(03)有关一般的咨询<br/>? 本校是由基督复临安息日会承办的非盈利基督化私立学校<br/>? 本校是教育部注册的小学和中学,学生可以在我校考小学离校考试及剑桥‘O’水准<br/>考试<br/>? 学校老师是教育部注册的<br/>? 学生可在一月至七月之间来报读<br/>? 本校获得教育服务鉴定计划的认可<br/>(04)有关办公时间<br/>办公室柜台开放时间<br/>? 星期一至星期四 上午9 时至下午3 时<br/>? 星期五 上午9 时至下午12 时<br/>? 星期六,星期日及公共假日休息</font></p>
<p>电邮:<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>

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davylw LV8

发表于 7-8-2008 21:53:00 | 显示全部楼层


davylw LV8

发表于 8-8-2008 00:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
